2025 Predictions, Telepathy, & Consciousness
Robin [00:00:01]:
Hello and welcome to Aphantasia experiments. I am so excited. You're here for my first episode of 2025. It's a new year. I really, really wanted to record a, like prediction episode, before the new year, but, I haven't had a, space for it. My kids have been home and I didn't take much time off from work during the break, so I just haven't had space. But I do have a lot of a lot of feelings, about the future, that I'll share in this episode. But the thing that I really want to talk about this episode is a new podcast I I've listened to and I'm obsessed, and I think it's going to change people's lives.
Robin [00:00:47]:
I think it already has. I think it's going to continue to change people's lives, and I actually think that this is this podcast is going to, like, shift the
Robin [00:01:00]:
Robin [00:01:03]:
vibration. You know? Like, shift this negative kind of film, this kind of cloud that's been looming over us, it's going to kinda help dissipate that. It's just one step, but, oh my gosh, this podcast this podcast is life altering. So without further ado, without further ado, the podcast I'd like to to share with you is called, it's not called, do not search, it's not called, I really need to work on not saying, it's called the telepathy. The tell tell telepathy. Telepathy. Telepathy tapes. I actually wrote down tele ep ethy.
Robin [00:01:58]:
Tele ep ethy. Like, phonically? Phonetically? Because I cannot say the word telepathic or telepathy. Anyways, it's I don't know why I can't say it. It's like when people can't say crayon, they say crown. It's so weird, but a lot of people do that. They don't even realize they're saying it. Anyways, telepathy is a hard word for me to say. The telepathy tapes is pure gold.
Robin [00:02:27]:
It is by Kai Dickens. I wanna talk about this on this podcast. I wanna dive into it. I'm not gonna tell you everything about it. You need to go and listen to it. It's only, I think, 10 episodes. There's gonna be a second season. I am, like, I am so excited.
Robin [00:02:43]:
I am fangirling hard on Kai Dickens right now, like, not in an obsessive way. Just to know I respect her so much putting herself out there, doing this research, the amount of research and oh my gosh, it's just, it's mind boggling. Like the effort and, oh my god, the intelligence and the the bravery that it took to to produce and come up with this and write this and and do it all and work with everyone. And I'm just I'm so excited about it, and I am just I love it. I loved every second of it. I've listened to the whole thing like 4 times. That is how good it is, and every time I listen to it, I get a new like bit of information that I'm like, oh my gosh. It's so good.
Robin [00:03:34]:
It's so good. So the podcast, I'll tell you a little bit about it, but it's so much more than what or like what I'll share. You have to listen. It's just and you know what? You probably have since I'm like a an itty bitty podcast, and they're beating Joe Rogan. So you've probably already seen it, but if you haven't, and for some reason you stumble across my podcast first or you're like, I don't like listening to like cool podcasts that are on the top of the charts, do it and do it now. Don't race. What does that mean? Don't race? Yes. Race.
Robin [00:04:19]:
Run. Run to your iPhone. Turn this podcast off. Screw this one. Seriously. It's so good. So the podcast is about how non speaking individuals, so autistic, individuals, are telepathic and communicate through spelling. So they have these letter boards and they can communicate through spelling, but it goes so deep into consciousness and, you know, all the stuff that I talk about on here, and it's just the first couple episodes are mostly about the autism and these the connections and the research, and it's it is just the research is there.
Robin [00:05:05]:
It is there. It's not like not like it's not made up you know it's not you know if you listen to my podcast I ramble a lot and I talk a lot and I've read a lot of books and I'll share my experiences and it's a lot of anecdotal stuff But they are going and doing these, like, experiments and and research, and it's so It's so it's so fucking good. It's so good and it proves so much about what I've been trying to say on this podcast about all the things that I've been sharing. It's like we are all so connected and life goes on after we die and, you know, if you have limited abilities somewhere, you know, if you can't speak, if you have autism, you can't speak, hey, maybe you can read someone's mind or maybe you can travel to the hill, which is you gotta listen to the podcast, but you likely have heightened ability somewhere else if you if you have limited ability somewhere. So for people with aphantasia, you can't visualize, but you probably can feel energy or you probably can analyze something really well or you're probably really good at math or you probably have some crazy ability that you don't even know you have because you've you've shoved it so down deep down inside yourself. You don't even know it exists because you're scared to use it. And I honestly think that's the case for a lot of people, but we probably have these incredible abilities that we're so scared to use because because of something that's happened in our past or something deep rooted that, you know, we were drowned as witches in our past lives or something. Who knows? Who knows what it is? But, this podcast goes into So much and it proves so much like I feel like you can't listen to it and not believe That life is more than just the material world that we're living in so it really breaks the mold of materialism and in in such a way that is just you can't not be like after.
Robin [00:07:32]:
You know? I mean, I'm a believer, but I've done research for years, and it started from, you know, my son oh, it started way back in the day when I would talk to dead people when I was a kid, but it started again in my 30s when my son had seizures, and he would be taken somewhere else, so the doctors would say that his brain would go offline, but he was being taken somewhere where he was able to predict the future, so I don't know what that is and I know that he is not alone in this because I asked on an epilepsy board and I was given all sort of crazy answers about their spiritual gifts and whatnot so there's a connection there and that's the brain like going offline. So why is it that your brain accesses some other realm when it's going offline if the brain is where all your information is stored. Right? And consciousness is just in your brain. So my curiosity really started there and start I I started diving deep into that, and then I had a prophetic dream about, someone I know dying, and and, I also had other dreams like that. And, it's it's been just such a journey, And this podcast, the telepathy won't look at me. I said it. The the telepathy tapes. There's so much validation in there from, like, my last 5 years of my life, the experiences that I've had.
Robin [00:09:05]:
I've been having, and I've shared this on the podcast, dreams where I've been shown symbols to to help me grow spiritually, and I'm in this like classroom and it's all white, and they're talking about on this podcast, they're talking about how these autistic people are going and and, this one case oh, you gotta listen to the whole thing, but this one guy was communicating to his mother in her dream. So she was able to lucid dream with him, and he was able to communicate in the dreams, but not in real life. And, anyways, they were able to prove this via the symbolism and stuff. You gotta listen to it. It's it's so so fascinating and it it makes me just want to dive so much more deep into consciousness and explore that and explore it in a more, structured way, like she did it, but then I'm like, what is even the point? Because she is doing it so, so, so well, and I know that she's gonna touch on other things because I think once you start diving deep into consciousness so she started with the spellers, the spellers are the nonspeakers who use spelling to communicate. They're all telepathic, and they can they're sometimes telepathic with their mother or their caregiver, people who are open. It's very interesting. You have to listen to it.
Robin [00:10:33]:
Please listen. Or Where the where the heck was I going? Once what I want to say is so she she started digging deep into the autism thing, and I know once you start learning about consciousness and that stuff, you can't like not want to dive deeper and deeper and deeper into that. And I believe, and I'm so excited because I like I want so badly to work on this project and like and I have so many ideas about where you can take, the podcast where you dive deep into to this kind of stuff. And I'm finally like, oh my gosh, there's someone out there that can do this justice and is gonna just, you know yeah. I'm just so excited to listen to, like, every season. I'm just waiting. I'm, like, waiting for the next episode, waiting for the next season. So kudos to you, Kai Dickens.
Robin [00:11:34]:
And if you need help, promoting, you're obviously, I'm doing it on here. But, yeah, I'm I I would love to help work on the telepathy tapes. That's what I'd like to say about that because, oh, boy, I'm obsessed. So, yeah, I like, I I I thought, okay. I would love to do a podcast about consciousness and talk about, like, Alzheimer's and, like, what's happening there? Why why are people who have Alzheimer's and dementia, losing it at the end and, like, seeing people they haven't seen in a while? What's happening there? It's probably because the veil is thinner. Right? But what is going on there? What's going on with consciousness at the end of life? What's what's going on with, terminal lucidity? What's that about? You know? What about seizures? Where does the brain go when it turns off? What are auras? You know? All of these things all of these things that happen in, you know, the medical world that aren't really explained, like near death experiences. And what happens when you're in a coma? There's been lots of cases where people have talked about how they've heard things or they've traveled places. Why don't we just like ignore those cases? And, and you know what? Most people just don't share them because we live in a materialistic world.
Robin [00:13:00]:
So one of the things on this podcast, and again, this podcast episode is mostly gonna talk about the telepathy tapes because it's so stinking good, and you have to listen. One of the things they were talking about on on the podcast was how they this way of communicating isn't mainstream, so in the schools, I don't know if it's all around the world, but at least in North America and America, it is not regulated by the speech their speech language whatever board, and I think, it was because there was one case of someone who abused the board and basically accused her father of molesting her, and it turned out to not be true. She doesn't go into much detail about that, and I wonder, like, I that made me, like, spiral and think about, like, why she explained it saying that the person wasn't properly trained on it. So I I don't know why this nonspeaking child would accuse her father of molesting her if there wasn't some sort of ill feelings towards her father, like, regardless of training, bad training, whatever. So I wonder if, like, there was some truth there or maybe there wasn't, but I don't know. I don't know. The whole that part was weird. But, she also talks about how autistic people don't, like, have the same, like, they're not all in it for money or, like, they they don't have autonomy.
Robin [00:14:50]:
Like, it's it's different for them. So they're not their ego is not they're not in it for their ego.
Robin [00:15:04]:
So I don't know where I'm
Robin [00:15:05]:
going with that with this. Where the heck was I going with this? My brain just farted. It farted and it tooted all over the place. It's gone into the toilet, it'll come back soon. Oh, yeah. So it was talking about this girl who accused her dad blah blah blah, but then it was like just shut down and then and so when people have heard about spelling and they've tried to, like, get it in schools, the schools are like, no. We don't use that. And so they're being met with this, like, block, and it's just stupid because these autistic people, yes, they look like they're, you know, got slugs on a couch or whatever, but, you know, when their body can't function, but their minds are brilliant.
Robin [00:16:04]:
They're brilliant. It's insane to be just put them in a classroom and have them sit there and that's that when they can use their brain and a way of communicating is using the spelling tool and it's not available to them because they were shut down by the board that regulates things, and it's, you know, I'm sure there's more reasons, but what I think is if we know that autistic non speaking people and probably way more people, but autistic people who don't have good functions of their bodies are telepathic, well, what does that mean for the world? What does that mean? What happens, you know, when the rulers of the country are corrupt or lying about things? What what if, you know, we could what if we could get an autistic non speaking lawyer or judge who was able to tell telepathically know what people were thinking? What if, you know, like, you could completely change the way the world functions, and that would probably not be good for the people who are running the world and for consumerism and materialism as a whole. Right? If you think about if you if we could all access other people's minds and thoughts and you could you knew, you know, when someone was doing something bad or had ill will towards you or or whatever, if we could validate that, and we can if we stop ignoring shit because we do. Scientifically, we just ignore stuff because we're like, that's woo woo. That's weird. Kai Dickens is trying to prove this stuff, and it's incredible. And more of people need to listen and more scientists need to stand up and say, hey. I believe in this.
Robin [00:18:16]:
Like, let's validate this. Let's let's, like, get out of this materialistic Conundrum that we're in. That's completely ruining the way we live in the way we function. It's appalling. Anyways, listen to the podcast. So these poor kids and adults are are basically just locked in their body, but they have so much in their mind, like some of them can speak multiple languages. They showed this this thing where, the kid, like, put his hand on the book and he knew what the book was all about. I forget that if that was because he could sense what the book was about or if he telepathically knew because his mom had read it.
Robin [00:19:15]:
I forget. But holy cannoli. It it's so good. It's so good. I'm telling you, if there's one podcast you need to listen to that will change your life, it's that one. And if you want another good podcast, it's where is your mind by Mark Rober. I really like that one. That was my first, like, oh my god.
Robin [00:19:39]:
This is the best podcast ever. And that lasted with me for 3 years, and now this one is my new my new favorite. And when I listen to her, this is me fangirling some more. When I listen to her, I think, okay. This, a, I wanna be just like her. I think she's the coolest person ever. And b, I think this is like she wants to make a documentary. I think she's already working on it or I'm not sure.
Robin [00:20:13]:
But I want someone like her to make movies and shows about consciousness, and spirituality that aren't cheesy and and like it's all about how you do stuff. Right? How you approach something, how you visually put it out there, the sounds, the typography, all of those things matter when you're consuming it. So when I watch stuff like on Gaia, which I love Gaia, there's so much great information on there, but when I watch it, I'm like, oh my gosh. If I was just someone off off the street who had no, like, spiritual whatever openness, I'd be like, this is so cheesy. I'm not gonna watch this. I can look past that, but I I I feel like there needs to be someone out there who can, like, do this material justice so people can absorb it in a way that's like, oh, this shit's real. It's not cheesy. It's not like woo woo.
Robin [00:21:13]:
It's not like, oh, I'm wearing a tie dye shirt and, like, we're walking barefoot in the mud. I don't know why that visual came to my mind. That's not a visual because I don't have I have no visuals, but you know
Robin [00:21:24]:
what I mean.
Robin [00:21:25]:
Like, hippie dippie. Like, it's it's it's so, it's so good. It's so good. And it'll change it it'll change everything. It'll change it'll change everything. If you truly, like, listen and absorb, it will change everything. I wanted to talk, do a bit of a like,
Robin [00:22:01]:
oh my god,
Robin [00:22:06]:
Sorry. I lost my train of thought there. It farted again. It farted. It farted. It farted real good. I talked about material world versus the spiritual world, right, a little bit. Oh, the the I was thinking about Kai Dickens and how the podcast is incredible and and I just want I want so badly this is my vision okay and I'm putting this out there because I think once you have a thought you put it out there and then it exists Right? So this is I'm gonna paint this picture for you and I would love nothing more hey kai dickens reach out.
Robin [00:22:49]:
I would love nothing more to like fundraise for this and bring in money for this and like make this shit happen. I just I'm one person and I I don't know how to do that, on my own, but I do know the market. I'm very good at that. I want to create a network, you know, like a Gaia or like a platform or a show or something. I'm thinking like a Netflix where it's content that doesn't it isn't controlled by, like, 1st generation wealth, if that makes sense, like people who rule the country. So, like, I think about all the, all the red tape that's around, like getting a documentary or a movie put on Netflix or any sort of platform. Like, there's money and higher ups and advertising and and and there's all sorts of things that can hold you back from actually getting a material seen by people. I want a platform that has like out of the box stuff like this that is promoted that is that that is funded by people who are from, like, new generation wealth that can think outside of the box.
Robin [00:24:15]:
Not that everyone from new generational wealth thinks outside of the box but like people who have new money, aren't scared to have the materialistic world crumble a little bit, I think, because I think that consumerism, which is like a huge part of materialism, the material world, is, I don't know where I'm going with this. Is I don't know. It's shitty. I don't know where I was gonna go with that. I had a whole thing. My brain, it keeps tooting. It toots a lot. Oh, yeah.
Robin [00:25:07]:
I think we are all it's not coming back. I really thought it would the more I I thought I would just keep rambling and it would come back. It didn't. I think what's gonna happen this year is a lot of people are gonna be like, oh, my gosh. Shit is real, you know? There has to be such a major shift. Oh, that's where I was going with it. I remember now. Holy crap.
Robin [00:25:57]:
Holy nolly nolly. I get it now. Okay. So what I was saying was we have money in our society, and it's like money that's been there forever and ever and ever. I mean, not forever and ever and ever, but for a long time. And if that money runs a lot of things and to get things funded, typically, we have to go to the places that have money, But now we're coming into a new generation of wealth where people have made their their money and it's not from their parents' money. It's like it's their their, you know, and I feel like that's where the opportunity is. That type of wealth is where where you could fundraise a, why am I even getting into this? A platform where you could actually have shows and movies and stuff that isn't so regulated and isn't so like, we think that we're just, like, free on Netflix.
Robin [00:27:00]:
You could watch whatever you want. It's like it shows on there. It's on there for a reason. You know? I I don't know. I feel like I would love to, like, fund more indie,
Robin [00:27:13]:
cool I don't know.
Robin [00:27:17]:
Movies and films and whatever. Anyways, I, I don't know where I'm going with this, but I do know that I envision a network of, yeah, incredibly open minded shows and and, films and documentaries that will expand your mind and help you, you know, connect
Robin [00:27:52]:
Robin [00:27:55]:
and be a more active member of your own life. And not just like watch it to watch it, you know, Netflix and chill, it'll be more like, oh, gosh, I wish I had a great name. Destiny and dine and destiny. And it'll be shows that will lead you to your highest destiny. You know? Okay. I'm gonna do a little quick reading for the year. I think that there's gonna be some major changes this year. I think that if you haven't already so I I pulled some cards before and I put them out just so I I had, like, cards in front of me in case I didn't have anything to say, but I knew I was gonna talk about that podcast.
Robin [00:28:52]:
But as I was pulling it, I was like, this completely makes sense for me, but I think it also makes sense for society because I think that usually what happens within our inner universe is also reflected, you know, to other people. There's so many other people having these same experiences, and so I'm going to read this kind of as if I was reading it for myself but also for society because I think that it goes hand in hand. So this year, it's all about finding balance again. Last year, for me personally, I took on a new job, which I really enjoy, but it's made me, struggle with balance. I've I've been struggling to keep up with friendships. I've been struggling to have a social life. I've been just struggling to keep up at work and just take lunches. Like, I just I don't have balance, and then my kids are all in competitive sports, and it's just craziness.
Robin [00:29:53]:
So I a a big thing for me, I listened to this podcast, and I was like, thinking back to you guys have followed I mean, if you haven't, maybe you haven't listened to my podcast, that's totally fine. But, you know, I took almost a year off, and then I worked delivering remains to people. And I I had such a interesting year, where I could meditate all the time, and I had so much information coming in. And then I came and then I started full time and I've been just crazy busy since. And, I haven't been meditating as much and I haven't been doing the self care things that I really need to be like an intuitive magnet and then and, like, this open vessel, where I get, like, you know, the the lucid dreams and all of those things. You have to have some sort of, like, rested mind and we're too, you know, busy and and things are too heavy, it's really hard to be intuitive and to be connected. And after listening to this podcast, it, like, really proved that. I was like, oh my gosh.
Robin [00:31:04]:
I need to remember why I'm here. I know I'm here for, like, hard connection and I know it's not just to be like a crazy marketing workhorse. There's so much more to me and, like, recording a podcast like this can reach, you know, thousands of people whereas, you know, an hour of work where I should be just taking lunch anyways, like, I feel guilty, you know, and there's there has to be more balance, in my life, and I know this. It goes out to so many people out there. So you have to look at your life and say, what's something I can drop or how can I how can I approach things differently? I actually, like, wrote an email to my coworker just to to say, like, the workload is too much and whatever. Like, I'm communicating my needs and whatever, and, I also need to, like, actively, you know, take that lunch and make that time. And so I was really excited to take a lunch today and record a podcast, but going forward, balance is really key this year and that balance is not gonna be easy to come by, like you really have to stand your ground. So those 2 go hand in hand, balance and standing your ground.
Robin [00:32:29]:
It's about speaking up for what you need. It's about, taking that time even if it feels like you shouldn't because when you take time, your brain opens up to solve problems that you didn't even know were problems you had. So you really do need to to have balance in your life and and to go for the walk and to take a stretch and to, you know, go to bed early or meditate or listen to your favorite soundtrack on repeat. Take some moments just for yourself, and you really have to stand your ground on this. So, and by doing this, there's gonna be a new love that begins. I see this shift this year for lots of people. I've been like very aware of this kind of shift for a while, but I keep trying to tweak the way I approach my relationship with my higher self, my my ancestors, and whatnot. And for me, for the last 6 month months or so, I've been way too busy to even, like, think about my spiritual self, which is silly.
Robin [00:34:01]:
I keep saying I'm bringing my spiritual self to my work and what I do changes people's lives and that is the most important thing and yada yada yada, and it's wonderful. But I haven't made the time to meditate as often as I would like. I do it in the middle of the night, which is ridiculous. But, so finding that balance, it's going to reignite a, relationship with the other side. So it's like a new partnership is developing, but it's not like a work partnership. It's not, you know, in this 3 d life. It is beyond. It is it is realizing through creating balance in your life.
Robin [00:34:57]:
So by creating balance, you're easing your life. You're making your life less stressful so you're able to receive more information, which will come in like random songs that come into your head and random ideas that'll plop in all these random things. But what will happen is it will make you realize how connected you are to your loved ones on the other side. So it will help you develop a direct partnership and alliance with your ancestors that will help you fulfill your destiny. So there's going to be this realization that life isn't it isn't just about our material successes. Right? There's so much more to it, and we have so much help that we don't even realize is available to that to us. And by finding this balance, by taking, you know, the steps to open yourself up, this new love is going to flourish and begin and it's gonna bring back memories of love from the past and it's gonna help you again fulfill your destiny and it's gonna this year is gonna feel a lot like you're like planting seeds and like just like putting yourself out there in a lot of different ways, and it might feel weird and and different and and really out there, especially like starting to communicate with your, you know, dead cousin or whatever. It's gonna feel weird and different, but it's seriously it's going to help you realize your own destiny and your own path in this life.
Robin [00:37:04]:
It's gonna come with challenges. You're gonna think, oh my god. Am I crazy? Is this really happening? You know? But it's it's destiny, and it all stems. And this all this all can't happen if you aren't in a state of balance. So it and and I'm telling you and me, and I know this, I know this from experience that finding balance is not easy. It's not like, oh, just find your peace. Oh, just, like, find time for yourself. It's not easy.
Robin [00:37:44]:
You have to set boundaries. You have to say, this is me time, this is for me, I need I need to do this, and by doing that it opens up such a huge space to let in. Let in the thoughts that might not be your own, that are coming from, guess what, beyond. Badimboom. That's not a joke, but have you ever thought I'm sure I've talked about this before. Have you ever thought about where thoughts come from? Maybe it's your grandpa whispering in your ear. Hey. Maybe you should write a book about donkeys who impregnate seals.
Robin [00:38:34]:
That would be really weird. Why would you ever write a book about that? That see, someone was in my ear messing with me there because I thought I was gonna say something about donkeys being an accountant, and I don't know. That came in, and I I don't know. Someone has a weird sick sense of humor crossing weird animals like that. I don't know. Anyways, so I know a lot of you have stumbled across my podcast and you're like, you're weird. You have ADHD. You're all over the place.
Robin [00:39:07]:
And I know you're like a lot of you say, hey. You're just like me. You are whatever. If you're just like me, I know you're gonna love this podcast. I don't even know why you're still listening to this. It's so stupid and long. 40 minutes of me rambling about someone else's podcast. I'm telling you, I don't care if you ever listen to another podcast of mine again.
Robin [00:39:32]:
Just listen to that one. It will change your life forever. And then email her and say, hey. You should hire Robin from Affentasia Experiments. She has lots of great ideas. She is amazing. Yeah. Have a great day year.
Robin [00:39:53]:
Don't forget to find your balance, stand your ground, open yourself up to have relationships with your loved ones, who you've lost in this lifetime, or people you don't even, didn't even like in this lifetime. Your your uncle Jeff who, you know, farted at Christmas and always stole your Secret Santa gift. Well, he is actually feeling really bad about that. He wants to help you out now. So why don't you ask him for your help getting the next job or whatever? Your ancestors, good or bad, are on the other side. Their ego is gone so all the things that made them a dick in real life is out the window and they're here to guide us and to help us and and yeah, find your balance and listen to the telepathy telepathy. Telepathy tapes by Kai Dickens. Thank you.
Robin [00:40:53]:
Have a wonderful year, and I hopefully I will podcast more because I'm finding my balance. That's right. It's happening. Good night and godspeed. It's not night, by the way. Damn. It might be when you listen to this, though. But good morning and good afternoon and good day and, yeah.
Robin [00:41:14]:
Good evening.
Robin [00:41:16]: