A Solar Eclipse Day: Drawing Love and Hate, Surreal Experiences, and Emotional Revelations

A Solar Eclipse Day: Drawing Love and Hate, Surreal Experiences, and Emotional Revelations

Join host Robin as she shares her extraordinary experiences during a total eclipse in the latest episode of Aphantasia Experiments. From drawing emotional pictures to witnessing the eclipse's awe-inspiring effects, listeners will be taken on a journey of spiritual and emotional reflection. Robin also delves into her fascination with energy healing, her Reiki experiences, and her intriguing comparison between Reiki and intuitive heart healing. Tune in to explore her perspectives on the afterlife frequency, animal consciousness, and the power of intention in energy healing. This captivating episode is a blend of personal storytelling, insightful discussions, and thought-provoking musings on the profound impact of the eclipse and the realm of energy healing.