Intuition Unveiled: A Journey Beyond the Senses

Intuition Unveiled: A Journey Beyond the Senses


Hello and welcome to another episode of Aphantasia Experiments. I'm really excited to have you here. I feel like a lot has changed, a lot has happened. I feel like that every time I record a podcast, I actually feel like I am a podcaster because I'm just this I just had this realization not too long ago. I feel like I've been guided by spirit, by angels, by guides.


I don't know who to call them, what to call them, but I feel like I've been getting these massive downloads. And I've had them for so long, but I I finally kinda understand them a little bit better, that I get these downloads, and they have to go somewhere. And so I started this podcast. You know, I was kind of, like, intuitively guided to do it, but now I'm realizing that it's it's it's a place for me to dump all the downloads. And I think the downloads are completely, you know, sent to me by Spirit.


They're just it's just popped into my head and that all that information that I get is meant to be shared. You know? It's like spirit is trying to communicate. I don't know if you've read the book Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert, but she talks about how often we get ideas in our heads. And if we don't, like, act on those ideas, they will go to someone else.


It's like this laser beam being put into your head, you know, like the story, Harry Potter, for example. It gets put into JK Rowling's head. She writes it down furiously, and she makes this book series. That's wonderful. Well, what would have happened if she didn't sit down and write furiously?


What if, you know, her brain was like, yeah. This is a great idea, but I want to. Well, it would go on to the next person, and that person would have the decision to kind of communicate that. Right? Whatever.


That's kinda what's happening, I feel like, with probably all of us. But for me, it's like I get these, like, spiritual downloads, and I don't if if I don't talk about them, either with my friends or on a podcast, if I don't communicate the stuff that's kinda coming in for me, my anxiety is bananas, and this is like a pretty new realization. It's like this the spiritual information, this information comes in me, comes through dreams, it comes through signs, it comes through, random memories that pop into my mind, random ideas about changing, you know, the world in different ways. All this information just kinda lands in my mind. And then if I don't express it outwardly, if I don't talk about it, if I don't release it somehow, it gets stuck and and I get super anxious.


And and I and it's like, I'm sure I'm not the only one in the universe that has this. I'm sure there's many people out there that have this where you get anxiety. It's like a buzzing or bubbling in your chest. It can feel different in different in in different ways, like, in your body. But it's this, like, uneasy feeling, like, something bad is gonna happen or something I don't know.


It's it's it's a terrible feeling, and it's very daunting. And what I think is happening is that I'm getting so much information, but I'm holding onto it and not releasing it and not expressing it. And when I don't do that, it's like my body's saying, you need to do it. Like, get out of get out of your head. Like, stop stop, you know, overthinking stuff and just, like, believe what the messages that are coming in and say them out loud.


You know, share them with your friends. Share them with your listeners. Write it in a book. Do automatic writing, but you need to be able to, like, listen, hear, and, like, vocalize or express it and and release it somehow. Otherwise, it just sticks in you, and it causes insane amounts of anxiety.


So if you are someone who gets, like, random downloads, random ideas, random thoughts, dreams that, like, you know, tell a story or explain something. Do something with that information. Don't just sit on it because the more you sit on it, the more it's like the universe is like I don't know if it it's like the it's trying to shake you to say, listen to me. And that that voice of listen to me is, if you don't listen to it, it comes out in, like, bodily anxieties, like like, feelings in your body, like the sick to your stomach, the gut feeling, the butt butt, the buzzing in your chest, all that stuff. If you're not listening to that intuition, that guidance coming through and you're just kinda, like, ignoring it or, stuffing it down, that's that's what's gonna happen.


That's anxiety, baby. And I feel like most of the people in the world, in this world, have some sort of anxiety disorder. And I'm not, like, in any way mocking that because I have anxiety, and I think it's just trying to better understand where it comes from, you know. If you are doing stuff in your life that feels so out of alignment with who you are at a soul level, and if you don't even know who you are at a soul level, that's gonna cause a lot of anxiety. You know?


I I feel the worst, you know, when I'm doing something that doesn't jive with who I am anymore. I will get, like, sick to my stomach sometimes. I just I, like, start doing something, and I'm like, I feel like I need to get up and walk around. I can't even do this. Like, it's so I feel like in my body, I know now to listen to that voice and, to know when my body is saying, don't do this.


You know? Like, at my old job, I was getting sick so often, so often. And it was my body being like, you need to get the f out of here. You know? This is not good for you and your mental health.


You are not following, you know, the path that we're laying out for you. You're kinda doing your own thing, scared to listen to the voice. So this is just my public service announcement. If you have a little voice inside of your head saying, do this, do that, Just don't ignore it. And if you're scared about it, talk it out loud.


Talk to it. Talk talk about what you're hearing. You know? Maybe just expressing it out loud can help you navigate and understand, you know, the the guidance that you're getting. Kinda feel like, what?


Why do you want me to go walk downtown today? That makes no sense. And then you start talking about it. You're like, oh, maybe if I went downtown, I would run into someone I haven't seen in a while who I don't know. I don't know.


But sometimes you get a voice in your head to go a different direction on your way home. You don't need to know the answer, but just listen to it. Just listen to it. And the more you listen to it, the more you, like, talk to it and, like, ask for clarification, the more you're gonna feel, like, in alignment, and you're gonna feel good in your body and you're gonna feel natural doing things and it's not gonna feel weird anymore. So that's my ramble about that.


I don't know where that came from, but that's been something that's been kind of coming up for me a lot. It's just like listen to your intuition or your anxiety is gonna be bad. So I've been working for a company delivering remains to people. I haven't talked about the company name or anything. I haven't there I think they're doing a a blog piece on me on their website.


So once they do that, I'll I'll post about it. But, my job has been going to visit families who have lost recently lost loved ones, and I deliver the remains and I sit with the family. Often, it's a quick interaction, but other times it's like you hear a lot of stories about, the person they've lost, you know, a lot of different things. And, it's been such a beautiful experience for me to just hold base for people. I think that's something that I've I've always been kinda drawn towards.


I've always and not just being drawn towards. I feel like when I was, growing up as a kid, like, adults would share a lot of stuff with me. And just, like, all throughout my life when I worked in a pharmacy, people would come up to me and, like, talk to me like I was a bartender. You know? I remember getting my dad, like, a job interview from a woman that came through with my dad and lost his job.


He worked in the banking industry and lost his job right at the end of my high school. And, I was someone who worked at the head office and was, like, willing to give my dad a shot just based on a conversation he had with me, and I was, like, 18 at the time. But I had this, like, maturity and able I was able to, like, listen and give feedback appropriately. I feel like that's always been kind of I don't know. Maybe my, like, my my shining shining light is that I'm I'm I'm a good listener or, I'm I'm here to hold base for people's stories and stuff.


And starting this job, my son, my oldest son was like, are you sure you're gonna be able to handle that? You're an empath. Like, you could feel things. Like, we know you know that about yourself. Like, look at your last job and what it did to you and blah blah blah.


And I was like, I understand where you're coming from. You know? From an outside perspective looking in, this sounds like a terrible job, but the job itself I come home, and I feel like my heart is full. It feels like I'm living in the moment, and I'm cherishing the moments that I have. You know?


I think about I think about the people that I'm delivering. You know? They're not here anymore. Life life can end abruptly. Life can end it can be a prolonged thing.


But facing that, you know, facing that end is it's eye opening. It makes you look at life a little differently and appreciate the little things in life a little bit more. And it also, based on all my interactions with people again, some are really short and some people don't wanna talk at all, but all the other, you know, meaningful interactions I've had with people, it it really the thing I'm learning is how important it is, how important the small connections we have, like, all the connections we have in our life are, and how sharing our stories with people and connecting with people, that's what life is about. It's not about, you know, the nice car that you bought or the bonus you got or, you know, how many things you sold. It's about the the moments and the connections we have with people that we love, and, I love that.


I love learning. I love learning that, and I love being around people who have are, like, learning that themselves through the grief they're experiencing. I'm not saying I love being around people who are grieving, but I also feel like I can help in a way. And I feel like when I leave those situations, I don't feel like I'm leaving the people worse. You know?


I feel like I've added some sort of glimmer into their day, and that might not always be the case. But for the most part, I feel like I've left, and I've made their day better in some format, and I and I think that just comes from me being, like, a natural lightworker. Anyways, I love that part about me, but the other part that, and I'm gonna talk a bit about Affentasia here. I know is a podcast for Aphantasia. I clearly don't talk about it much.


But I also went for my Reiki 2. So I've talked about before, I have my Reiki 1 and I love doing Reiki. I haven't dabbled a ton in doing it for people that I don't know. So it's been mostly, like, friends and family. I do it on my kids all the time.


I do it on myself all the time. I do it on my dog all the time, and it's very, like, I could feel it's it's a feeling in my body that I get and I understand, and it's like I started doing Reiki and I was like, oh, you know, I always understood that we were, like, made up of energy and whatnot, but doing the Reiki like, the Reiki one experience was like, oh, okay. I get it now. I get how to work with it. I get like, I just understand it a bit better.


And it's so beautiful right now. I'm just driving home, and there's this beautiful fog over this, like, mountain. It's not it's not really a mountain, but it looks like a mountain. There's ski hills and stuff. So pretty.


Anyway, random. So when I had when I did my reiki one, I was like, this is so magical and amazing, and I was doing reiki at my friend and having all these, like, really cool experiences, like, psychic experiences where impressions would come to me and and whatnot, and then, like, everything would come true after or, like, not come true, but, like, it's like painting a picture, like, you're figuring out a puzzle, you know, and there's pieces that you haven't fully, you know, made work in the puzzle yet, but you know they're there. That's, like, what the Reiki experience was for me. Anyways, so I had the Reiki one for, I don't know, a while, and all of a sudden I had this, like, pull, this push. Right?


I don't know. I never know if it was a pull or a push, but, to get Reiki 2. It was, like, in a week my friend was, like, you should go for your Reiki 2. And, like, I had a dream about it, I had all this other stuff, and then my Reiki master had texted me or something the same week which is not normal. So finally I was like, okay, universe.


Let's do this. So I went and I did my reiki 2 attunement, and I've been practicing on some people. And it has been absolutely mind boggling, mind bending, completely surreal. Like, when I first did the reiki web, I was like, this is magical. I and I don't understand distance Reiki.


It seems so silly to me. And when I came home from my, like, attunement the second time and I was telling my husband about it, so I was like, oh, I can do distant Reiki now. So I can do Reiki on someone who's not even with me. He's like, wait a second. So, you know, I can get on board with the energy healing when you're touching someone.


It seems a little out there, but I can get on board with them. My my husband is not at all like me, so I'm doing his I'm doing his voice here, but it's not what he says, like, at all. And then he goes, but but you're telling me that you can, you know, do energy healing on someone who's not even there? And I was like, yeah. And and I'm like, he just looks at me like, are you insane?


Are you insane? And it's funny because I even talked about it on the podcast before. I'm like, I don't understand distant Reiki. I don't get it if you're not in the room, like, whatever. But now that I've I've done it and I've experienced it, I'm telling you, it is better for me, like, on the receiving end for my impressions and whatnot.


It is better for me as a practitioner to do the distance Reiki. I love the normal, you know, in person Reiki as well, But the distance Reiki, it's like the amount of impressions and things that come into my mind so quickly while I'm doing it. It's like I can tap into that energy so fast, and I'm getting all this, like, information about all the chakras, about all the misalignments, about, like, things that have happened, like, personal stuff about the person, all this. It's it is absolutely bananas, and I'm loving it. I love I wanna do more of this.


I I put it on my website now. I've only been doing it with for not too long, but I'm starting to do it for more people that I don't know well because that that's a whole different ballgame, and it's so much better for me because I don't go into it with any preconceived, you know, whatever. I'm not thinking I'm like, oh, I already know this about someone. Like, I do it on my best friend all the time and she had you know, she wants to buy a house or whatever. So I'm, like, thinking about that and, like, getting stuff about that.


And and if I didn't know, you know, that she wanted to buy a house somewhere, I wouldn't have that, like, preconceived notion, you know, like and and so doing it on people that I don't know, it is such a magical experience because I'm like, I don't know how to place it, and it's scary. Right? Because you're basically just, like, saying random shit that could or couldn't be accurate. But what I'm getting is it's accurate, and it's so cool. So I did it on my, I had a friend, one of my best friends growing up.


She's the person who actually introduced me to spirit in the glass as a child, which is like Ouija, and maybe I'll do a whole episode on that one day because I a lot of people are, like, so against it, and I am not. I'm not against Ouija. I'm not against Spirit in the Glass. I think it's the fear that holds us back. I think fear, and I don't wanna be irresponsible in saying this because a lot of people say, oh, you have to protect yourself, and I do.


I protect myself before I do do a reading or, a seance or whatever, but I am not scared. And as a child growing up in grade 2, I was communicating with dead people. I was never scared, and so I didn't have scary experiences. I just believed that they were good. And even a scary person like, I of course, I've had some scary experiences, but I never believed they would have an effect on me.


You know? I always believed that I had the power, you know, in myself to protect myself, whatever. So, I think a lot of, like, the those kind of experiences, the, you know, with Ouija and and and Spirit in the Glass or whatever intuitive tool that you practice, it's like you need to have the belief in yourself and the knowingness that you are always protected. And so with that in mind, I think that, you know, those kind of practices can be really amazing and and really, validating and really soul healing. You know?


If you especially if you go into a seance or, you know, a Ouija experience and you specifically wanna connect to someone, and you are able to get that, it's pretty pretty freaking magical. Anyways, that was a long tangent, but my friend, she was having some health problems. I hadn't I haven't she is, like, was my best friend as a child, but we don't speak all the time now. Like, I talk to her a couple times a year. I don't know really anything about her life, and but she had a bit of a health scare with a tumor, and so I had offered to do her some distance reiki.


And I had such a incredible experience with her. It was so magical. Like, all the stuff, it was so I've never like, I've done quite a few now, and, like, the feelings I was getting, it was just it was such a magical experience, and I sent her a big long voice note, and she validated most of the stuff, like 99% of the stuff. And that alone, like, that experience has made me, like, more confident in my own abilities, and I need to do more of that. I need to do more practicing and offering these, Reiki healings on on people outside of my circle.


So I put it on my website now. I'm offering Reiki distance Reiki. With that, you will get a voice note. It'll be like an intuitive it's like a psychic reading, and and the way I do it, it's different than, you know, other people. When when I went to see my Reiki master, she was like and that this is how I know this is the right person for me because I know that a lot of people do Reiki in a lot of different ways.


But for her, she said, you know, I want to make this experience an intuitive experience for you. So, Reiki can be done in many different ways. You know, there's the symbols and whatnot, but the actual way of doing it, it should come intuitively to you, and that's exactly what it's been for me. It's been very much intuitive. And, like, I feel like now that I'm in tune to that, like, kind of energy, I'm able to do the reading so much easier.


Like, it comes so naturally. It's really freaking cool. Where was I gonna go with that? I don't remember. Oh, what


I was gonna


say was the way I do it, I I do it a little bit differently. So for me and and I think that this is gonna evolve over time. And if you're in your own, you know, if you're learning how to be psychic, intuitive, medium, whatever, and, you know, it takes time to figure this shit out. So I'm a I I know I have this power. I know that I'm being guided.


I know, you know, that that the stuff that's coming into my head is not just my own randomness. It is coming from a higher power. I know this, but I also know that I have certain times of the day where I feel this power of war. And I think that over time, the more I the more I develop it, the more I'll be able to access that and, like, hone into that quicker at all times of the day. But for me, right now, I wake up at 3 o'clock in the morning, and I'm up till 6 usually.


And during that time, I'm doing Reiki on myself. And I if I have other people that need Reiki done, I'll do it on them often during that time because I feel so powerful. You know, I used to say I I and I still do this. Like, I wake up and I listen to this sky talk to me, and that's what's happening. It's like, it is so loud during that time, and it used to frustrate me so much that I would wake up and not be able to get back to sleep.


But now I'm like, the universe, it needs to speak. And so if I can do Reiki on someone during those time that time period, that's what that's kinda when I wanna do it. So if you're looking to get a Reiki session done, I say on the website just, like, send me a note on when you typically, like, relax because I can do Reiki at night, like, in the evening when you're, like, relaxing and watching Netflix. I'm I I say, like, you do not have to be just, like, laying there, not doing anything. Just don't be moving around and driving.


That's the main thing. If you're sitting down or lying down, I will do Reiki on you. I don't care if you're watching a show, it doesn't matter to me, I'm tapping into your energy, it doesn't really matter what else is going on. And the other part is, like, if you if you're if you're obviously sleeping from 3 to 6 unless you're a night night shift worker, that is likely when I will do it. So for the actual Reiki session, it's not like I I'm not gonna say, okay.


I'm I'm gonna do it. And, again, this might change, but currently, this is the way I'm I'm going to do it because I know my energy, and I know that I wanna do I wanna do this this Reiki healing on people when I know I'm I'm in the best shape for it. So I wanna look at, like, when do you relax? When do you go to bed? Because those are the times that I wanna do it for you.


So I ask that question when you go to purchase, and then what you'll receive from me in the next in, like, 48 hours, and I'll I'll let you know if it has to take longer. It all depends on, you know, life, you know, if I have 4 children up barfing in the middle of the night, well, you want Reiki done? You're not gonna have the best Reiki treatment because my energy is gonna be all scattered, right? So, I say 48 hours and that likely will be the case, but I'm human. And once once I've done the reiki, I'll send you a quick email or note saying that it's been done and that that you should drink some extra fluids just to, you know, keep your vibe up.


But then I'll also send you a voice note with all the information I received during the treatment, and this can come in, like it's, like, spiritual guidance, things that need to change, things that you need to work through, stuck energy in your body, what that could mean, how you could fix it, experiences that you might be holding on to that that have kept you from moving forward. There's, like, so much in there that come out by just me looking at your energy. It is cuckoo bananas, wild, and amazing, and I am here for it. I hope you're here for it. And the other part to all this is as you know, I said before that I was gonna talk about Aphantasia and I clearly haven't.


But with Reiki, if you have Aphantasia and you're like, I would love to do Reiki, but I can't because I can't remember symbols. This is another part where I was like, okay. I am not gonna be able to pull up this symbol in my mind because I can't see anything in my mind. How do I go about doing this? So I, like, I lay out the papers with the symbols, and I think going forward I'm gonna get, like, some buttons printed that I can have so I can just look at.


But once I've just, like, had it in my mind and I think about it, like, that's all I need to do, and it works. So I think that sometimes we hold we hold ourselves back with putting in so many rules, when really, you know, sometimes it's just like you need to turn on your power and it's there. But I do think that I'm kinda learning a different way, and it's more intuitive to me, but, you know, I'm taking what I've learned from my Reiki master and I'm making it work for me from an Athantasia perspective. And, I think going forward once I become a Reiki master, which I'm not yet, so if you're reaching out to me about, you know, wanting to learn how to become a Reiki person, I'm not there yet, but I will be eventually. So keep stay tuned.


I would love to be able to offer this service to people who have aphantasia because I think there's so many of us out there, and I know we're not all the same because my husband has aphantasia and he is not an energy healer. Like, he he has so many other amazing qualities that, like, were heightened despite his, but his, like, empathy, energy, all that shit, he's not like, he's the yin yang to my yang. He's not he's not like me at all in that way, but I know there is a plethora of people out there who are like me, who see things differently, who feel things differently, and that's what I'm here for. I'm here to help those people who are like me. It might be a small niche community, but, it's there.


And if you have aphantasia, but you feel, you know, like, you've always had this, you know, sense of people or or understanding of emotions in a different way, I think that it's worth, you know, looking into more. And I'd love to help guide you in any way possible. Reach out to me for a Reiki reading, but also stay tuned because one day, hopefully in the near future, I'm thinking, like, maybe by the summer, we'll see how this goes. I will I will work on getting my Reiki master and then I'll be able to also teach people. And I and I really want to kind of lean into teaching people who have aphantasia because I have a really I have a really good understanding of how our our minds work, and it's so different and unique than other people.


And, I think we need to lean into our unique unique abilities as much as possible. So, yeah, I hope I hope this podcast resonates with you in some way. Please reach out if you are interested at all in a a Reiki experience, And feel free to email me if you have any sort of questions. My email is Rofocreative,


And then my my website where you can get the, reiki treatments it is If you just go to the offerings page, there's also some meditations in there for people with aphantasia. You can find a lot of it on YouTube, though, and I have my intuitive readings too. I do off also offer tarot, and dice readings. That's something else I offer.


Basically, intuitive readings is what I'm kinda doing, but re the reiki one is a bit different because it involves also, like, tuning into your energy and healing and patching and kind of, like, working and making it flow a bit differently than than it than it is unless you have beautiful energy and you're coming in, like, this perfect ball of of beautiful chakras. And if that's the case, I can tell you that and be like, you are on the right path. You're in alignment. It's a beautiful thing. Most people have a little bit, you know, some stuff going on, but, sometimes you just need a little bit of guidance, and, I'm here for it.


Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this podcast. I hope there's something in there that stuck with you. If not,


check out one of


my other podcasts. There's gotta be something there for you. And, if not, well, don't listen to my podcast anymore because I like to ramble. But I'm sure there's something for you, and I hope that you continue listening, and I hope to hear you from from you. I love to hear from my fans, my listeners, and, I hope you book a Reiki session.


And, yeah, I hope you stay tuned and also become one of my students in the future because I think that that will be, I think there's a lot of people spiritual Aphantasia people out there that wanna develop and hone their gifts, and I'm excited to to to be kind of, you know, at the forefront, like, learning about all this stuff. So in the future, I'll be able to guide people. That's kinda where I'm at. Oh, one more story. I wanted to say this because I was gonna end, but I was scrolling on something yesterday, and I came across this video of Matt Damon on the Stephen Colbert Colbert Show.


And I've had this thing for Matt Damon since, oh, grade 7 or grade 8? Grade 8. 1997. I remember the year so well because, I don't know. I I just I feel like, I don't know, grade 8, grade 7, those years are very impactful.


But I had this thing for Matt Damon and Ben Affleck. I loved Goodwill Hunting. My friend and I went to see it, like, 1700 times in theaters. We actually went it was when all of our friends were going to see Titanic because they loved Leo, Leonardo DiCaprio, if you don't know. And I was like, no.


Good Will Hunting is that is where it's at, which I'm like, I don't even know if we were, like, legally allowed to go at that age because there was a lot of swear words in that movie. In fact, we went once, and we went just to count how many times they dropped the f bomb in the movie. We got bored after, like, 20 minutes because there's so many and we stopped counting, but, yeah, that movie, we loved it. Still love it. It's a great movie.


Anyway, I've always had this thing from Matt Damon. He there's something about him and the things he says, how intelligent he is. He's a great writer. He's he's just I think he's a good person. And I know that, like, celebrities, it's hard because we expect them to be perfect all the time.


So if they screw up once, you're like, oh, but didn't you hear he did this? Like, Oprah. People are pissed at a bit at Oprah. I I think, generally, she's a good person. Anyways, why am I talking about this?


Matt Damon was on Steve Colbert and he said something and it was just a clip that I saw and I was like, oh, Matt Damon gets it. And maybe this is why I've always loved Matt Damon is because he has the same kind of understanding about the universe as I do. He was telling the story, and please look it up. I actually ended up watching the whole interview. But he was talking about, I guess, Steve Cooper asked about his earliest memory, I think.


And he said that recently had a dream. So his father had just recently died. He had a dream that is in the dream, it was a visitation dream from his father, and his dad gave him this big hug. And he said in the dream, he felt, it's like he felt what it was like to be held for the first time, which made him, like, remember when his consciousness came online for the first time, like, when his dad held him as a newborn. I was like, woah.


It made my, like, admit, like, gave me goosebumps. I was like, he gets it. Like, he understands, and I've had that dream before too. I'm not with my dad. My dad's still alive, but I had it with my friend who passed away.


He gave me a hug, and I was like, holy crap. I remember, like, every hug I've ever experienced with you through this moment. And, yeah, I I I could go on a whole I could do a whole episode about grief dreams. In fact, Google grief dreams. There's a guy that I forget his name, but he was working out of McMaster Hospital or McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario.


I don't know if he's still doing his research on it, but he I think his website is grief dream grief dreams dot com or dot ca. And he's done all this research on grief dreams and how they can help help with the grieving process and the healing process, and I completely believe that because I've had a lot of visitation dreams. And every time you have them, you wake up thinking like, you wake up feeling warm and fuzzy and, like, better, you know. And for me, I always validate those dreams. I'm like, that was real.


I know it was real because I felt those things that I you know, the colors are a bit different or whatever. I always validate myself, but I don't think everyone does that. They, like, shake it off as it's, like, it's not a real thing. Anyways, this grief dream sky, has been exploring, you know, the benefit of them and and the research behind them. So it's really interesting.


Feel free to to to Google that and do some research. I would love to have him on the podcast one day when I'm brave enough to have guests on. Also, Matt Damon, if you're around. Matt. Just, you know, in case you rarely listen to podcast about yourself, I'm a big fan, and I feel like you've done a lot of great things with the world in in your position.


And, I'd love to have you as a guest. So, Matt Damon, if you're listening to this, please reach out. I also, oddly enough just gonna keep rambling here. I oddly enough have dreams about Matt Matt Damon often and since I was a kid and it's always we are at a baseball game and we're just shooting the shit. As a kid, I had such a crush on him, and now I look at him and I'm, like, I love that he's a married man with children and, like, he's a family guy and he's just, like, super intelligent, well read, all of these things.


And I look at and I see him in my dreams, and I'm like, he's just my friend. You know? So I think Matt Damon and I are friends, you know, in in the spiritual realm, maybe not in this lifetime, but I feel like we are connected through that, through the dream world. And, it it would be interesting to see, you know, if we ever met in real life, if he would recognize me because of how often we're in each other's dreams. And by in each other's dreams, I mean, I'm in.


He's in my dream. I don't know if I'm in his, but wouldn't that be cool? I talk to my friend all the time about our dreams, and oftentimes, our dreams will have, like, parts that are similar or, like like, we're doing the same thing in our dreams. So how often do you get to actually talk to the people that you dream about? Wouldn't that be interesting?


Wouldn't it be just wild if we were dreaming the same thing? I don't know. Anyways, I am gonna stop talking and rambling now. I hope you enjoyed this podcast, and I hope you explore whatever you wanna explore in life, whether it be Reiki, Matt Damon movies, or, you know, whatever it is. Horseback riding.


I don't know. Go out and do the thing. You only live once, and by that, I mean, you live multiple times because I believe in reincarnation. But this life that you're in currently, you only live one life in this meat suit that you're in. So take advantage of this body and this life because it's worth it.


You know? You're meant to do big things. So go out and do it. Have a great and wonderful day. I'll talk to you soon.