The Cosmic Symphony of Life: Tales of Aphantasia, Intuition, and Everyday Magic

The Cosmic Symphony of Life: Tales of Aphantasia, Intuition, and Everyday Magic

Robin [00:00:00]:

Hello, and welcome to another episode of Aphantasia Experiments. I am excited to talk to you on this episode about a lot of random stuff. I don't really have a plan, but I do feel like I have a lot to to say, a lot to talk about, I something terrible happened. No. Wait. I shouldn't say that. That sounds way worse than it is. It's not terrible.

Robin [00:00:28]:

Something inconvenient happened to me. I lost my headphones, and I love my headphones. They are, like, Sony. They weren't too expensive, $39, but I've lost them twice in the last, like, 2 months. So I feel like that's the universe being, like, stop buying these headphones. But the funny thing is the first time I lost them, I went to the store and I had been thinking about someone that I had lost, like someone who's no longer with us. And when I got to the store, I was looking at different headphones and I was like, oh, maybe I'll just get the same ones I got before because I love them. Put them around your neck.

Robin [00:01:04]:

It's pretty convenient. Anyways, I'm looking at this box, and the person I was thinking about's name was all over it. And in a weird way, like, the the It was like the city name or something. So I feel like that was also a little nudge from the universe. But, anyways, I don't have my headphones, And, as you know from listening to my podcast, I'm big into voice notes. It's, like, totally changed my voice note game because I something just fell. I'm alone in this room. Ghost, perhaps? Yeah.

Robin [00:01:53]:

I don't know. When one little thing is off, it can just yeah. So the voice notes oh, there we go. I was like, where did I where'd my brain go? That ghost took me right out right out of it there. It's gone again. Oh, doesn't it really doesn't matter. Yes. It does.

Robin [00:02:15]:

Voice notes. I knew I'd get back into it. Voice notes. I like, I do them all the time. Right? So I have a family. I may have mentioned this on previous episodes. I have 4 kids. 1's 22.

Robin [00:02:29]:

He's older, but, still lives at home. I'm happy that he lives at home. I'm not like, Damn. He still lives at home. Like, he's he's a lovely addition to our addition. He's a lovely part of our family. He's not an add on. He's been here he's been here for 22 years.

Robin [00:02:46]:

So he's here, and then we have a boy, Fletcher, and then, 2 girls, 7 or sorry. 8 and 5. So my house is fairly chaotic. And one of the things that I love for me. I've always been someone who loves conversation and and just friendships in general. Like, As a child, I was on the phone probably after school from 3:30 till 9:30, like, all the time. Whenever I didn't have, like, basketball practice, I was gabbing on the phone until, you know, in high school or whenever it was, probably late late Junior high. Do people say junior high anymore? I don't know.

Robin [00:03:38]:

I got into, like, the ICQ and that kind of stuff, but I I like talking more than anything. Actually talking. Not like texting, not emailing, talking. I get really tired just being on a phone. So having conversations is really valuable to me and important. It fills my cup. And anyways, I've been without these stupid headphones, and I'm like, I cannot buy them. I need to.

Robin [00:04:06]:

Like, I'm intuitive. I should be able to find these damn headphones. So I know a lot of my listeners out there are intuitive psychics. Who knows? Tap into your own inner whatever. And let me know where you think my headphones are. They're white. They're they got a string on them. You can put them on your around on your neck.

Robin [00:04:25]:

There's Sony. I've lost 2 of them. So if you can find either of them and tell me where they are, that'll be great. I love that. But all this to say, one little thing can throw you off. And anyways, I haven't been voice noting as much because I have to, like, listen to it out loud or listen on these, like, Really bulky headphones that I have, and it's there my husband got them for me because at my old office where I, like, Totally burnt out working there. It was so loud because my my boss's Phone, she would she had it full blast all the time. And I'm really not great with sounds like really startling sounds.

Robin [00:05:05]:

It really My body tenses up. It's like a PTSD symptom, I think. I don't know. Like, I get overstimulated by noise very easily. So her phone, she would have a full blast on her phone, but also on her computer. So, you know, it starts ringing, And it was a sorry. It wasn't a ring. It was a classical music.

Robin [00:05:27]:

Why am I even saying this? Anyways, so she would play this music on her phone, and then the thing on the computer would be going off. And and I am trying to email people. I'm trying to call people. I'm trying to design things, whatever, and it takes a lot of focus. And I was already being pulled in so many directions that this Noise thing literally almost, like, made me wanna throw my computer out the window. Noises. Man, Don't love them. Anyway, so the story there was that my husband, he ended up getting me because I was like I would come home from work just distraught, and I would be pale and, like, my body would be stiff because the whole day I spent in this, like, noise trauma.

Robin [00:06:19]:

Oh, I can laugh about it now, but at the time. I was like, I would be crying on the way home because it was so awful. And so I told my husband he he plays football with someone who owns a Headphone company. So I should be able to get headphones. Right? Anyways, you got headphones for me, but they are headphone company is not like a regular Day to day headphone company, it's like a construction worker, noise canceling, super gigantic. It is great when the kids are annoying. I put them on. I'm like, if you wanna whine, please go on.

Robin [00:06:53]:

You know? That's great. But it also kinda like hurts my neck because they're so heavy, and I can't record voice notes back in them because it's too muffled. So I could listen to voice notes, and then I have to turn my headphones off. That's, like, so complicated, so I probably need to get new headphones, bottom line. But, again, if you know where they are, just tell me. I had someone someone I know posted on a Facebook group, like, in Burlington. I'm in Burlington. There's a lot of Burlington's actually.

Robin [00:07:30]:

When I went to, Boston with my family a few years ago, a few years ago, 10 years ago. We stayed in Burlington, and we're like, this is weird. Burlington. This is not Burlington, Ontario? Burlington? Boston? Burlington, Massachusetts, maybe it was? Not Boston. Boston's a city. Is that where we stayed? Burlington. We stayed somewhere in Burlington in the States, and we're like, this is weird. We're staying the same.

Robin [00:08:01]:

Anyways, we're not in the States. We're in Ontario. And, what was I saying there? There was a Facebook. There I'm in a, like, a Facebook Burlington group or whatever, and someone posted. I knew this person. So, you know, when you know someone who posts in a group, it, like you see more, I guess. You see more. I don't know.

Robin [00:08:23]:

Why does it matter? Anyway, she posted that she left her keys at the grocery store. And she's like, I just feel like I'm gonna to to put this out in the universe and see if anyone has any ideas where they could be. And literally, there was, like, 300 responses that I was, like, invested in. I was like, where are these keys? I don't know if she ever found them. But I love that she, like, went on there and that everyone was, like, thinking and, like, There's people that went to the store to look for her, and, they were like, oh, I lost my keys here. Maybe they're here. Anyways, the community really came together for her, but I'm pretty sure she had to buy new keys. They were, like, $600 because they were, like, the no Noki type whatever, and I think she had her sunroof open.

Robin [00:09:08]:

That was another thing. Good story. Good story. So what do I have to actually talk about today? Because that was a whole lotta nothing. Right? Right? What do I wanna talk about today? So I, you know, I left my career in July, And I told my husband, because he is he's like I am I am very much a right side brain. I I always get them mixed up, but I'm like the intuitive creative nurturer. He's like the stricter analytical. I think I've said this before.

Robin [00:10:04]:

Our brains are not similar, but we come together. It's it's a good thing. But for me to loop like, not for me to leave my job without having any sort of, anything lined up. It's been stressful for him, but I had to. It was like one of those You get to a certain point in your life that you can't not live in a heart led way. Okay? So I was going to this job every day. And every day, I felt like My heart was in the wrong spot. And it was like being stomped on and smooshed and pushed around and my energy was being sucked out of me.

Robin [00:10:52]:

And I just knew that I had to do something that was heart led, and I knew that I couldn't access that part of me if I was completely drained, and crying on my way home from work because the noise was so loud. Right? I just couldn't access that part of me. And I I have made promises when we when I first quit. I'm like, by September, I'll have a job, whatever. Like, I'll figure it out. It'll be great. And since leaving, I haven't had any desire to actually get a job, and I know I should. I do freelance work.

Robin [00:11:34]:

Honestly, every time I do design work, I've been a designer since I was 19, 20. I went to school for for advertising, and I I specialized in, like, creative direction, and then got a job right out of college. And I was pretty, like, successful in design and I I enjoyed it. But now every time I sit on the computer to do something, you know, marketing work or design work for other people. I get, I have a couple clients that I really love actually. So I shouldn't even say that. But, I don't want to actively look for marketing jobs anymore because I feel like that Version of myself is dead and gone. You know what I mean? Like, when you want this is this is the analogy I wanna share with you.

Robin [00:12:31]:

So a crab, they grow to a certain point in their shell and then they get really uncomfortable in the shell and they have to leave and go somewhere else. Okay? I was so uncomfortable in the skin that I was in that I had to break 3 and go free and go somewhere else. And in, like, this uncomfortable process of not having any sort of protection, This is what I'm in right now. Like, I have I my income is, like, dwindling. I'm I mean, nonexistent minus, like, my freelance work. And my savings is dwindling is what I wanted to say. And it's uncomfortable, but I know without a doubt that I'm gonna land in this new shell and it's gonna be comfortable and I'm gonna feel good and I'm gonna feel protected and safe. And I feel like that that happens with so many things in life.

Robin [00:13:28]:

If you are holding on to something that no longer serves you and you feel like This isn't me anymore. You have to take a step and that step is gonna suck and it's gonna be uncomfortable and you're gonna worry about stuff, and you're gonna be upset and you're gonna be stressed and then you're gonna be protected and safe and warm and happy. Right? It's like the whole cycle of life. Right? So I've been in this stressed, mode just just recently because it's, you know, the end of the new year. And I'm like, I don't really have any clue what's next for me. I got my Reiki, and I'm like, do I want to start advertising that? I haven't even bought a table. I've been doing it on people's beds. So I gotta, like, Take some steps step steps forward.

Robin [00:14:19]:

I get stuck. But in the last month, I've I've had this surge of energy, so I I Maybe it was the last 2 months. I created my website, and I did a bunch of stuff, and and, I finally got my Reiki, Reiki up there. So if you live in the Burlington, Toronto area, I know that my listeners from all over the place. But if you live in and around this area. I'm gonna be offering, Reiki sessions. So you can book that on on the website, aphantasia experiments on the healing page. I am, like, really looking forward to doing that, stepping into that zone, but I also just had, an interview with a company that I I'm I'm so aligned with, and it would be more of a part time thing.

Robin [00:15:07]:

And it just feels so heartlet and so good, and it's like, I'll still be able to podcast and still be able to do everything that I wanna do. So if you're in a zone where you don't feel good and you feel like, you wanna step out of that shell and whatever, I highly suggest actually writing out everything that you want in a career or in your business or for finances coming in, like write in everything that you want and See if you can make it happen because this this job that I just had an interview for, it it almost, like, marked off all my buckets. But my buckets are hard to fill because I I am I'm a 5. I'm also an Aquarius. So I'm a Life path number 5. If you don't know how to do your life path number, it's just your your year. So say you're born in 19 20, it would be 9 plus or 1 plus 9 plus 2 plus 0. So 12.

Robin [00:16:12]:

And then 2 plus 1 is 3. And then whatever day it is, so I'll say it was 11. That would be 2. Like, you add all the numbers together and then the the month would be 11 or whatever. And you add it all together. And then you just keep adding until it's only 1 number. Unless it's a prime number, and then you you have a special day. So if you end up with an 11 oh, is it 11 or 22? I think there's a couple.

Robin [00:16:43]:

Anyways, I'm a 5. Long story short, like, you can go on just Google numerology, and you can find out a lot about yourself for free. So, and it's really interesting. I'm a 5 and fives, like, change and and doing different things. And My thing is I love learning about different things. And if I feel like I know all all the things that I need to know, I'm just, like, kinda banging my head against the wall. You know? Like, oh my god. Get me out of here.

Robin [00:17:18]:

I need to learn more. So this whole podcast in my whole spiritual journey is like a never ending fest to learn and grow and evolve. And what I'm realizing is that's, like, that's our entire soul's journey is to like so our soul, we come we come on into this body, into your body, and you're You're in this body to learn all these lessons throughout life, to experience hardships, to to, you know, lose your job, to, get cheated on. Like, all the things, like, all the lessons you learn throughout your life, how to set boundaries, how to stand up for yourself, how to, live in your own power, how to be a good person, how to be a good neighbor, how to overcome obstacles, how to make mistakes and learn from them. All these things that you learn in your life, your soul is learning and growing from. And then each time you come back into into reincarnation, which, like, time isn't linear if you think about it too. So it's like you can be living multiple lives at the same time. Think about that.

Robin [00:18:34]:

I'm not gonna get too much into that because I don't want you to think I'm cuckoo bananas, but think about I talked about this on my TikTok recently that Dreams and near death experiences, like, I feel like really explain a lot about how consciousness works. And our bodies are more like Our consciousness in our bodies, there's a filter. So our brain kind of acts as a filter so we can't receive everything that we do when we're not in this body. So when you a lot of people say when they when they have near death experiences, they have, like, knowledge of everything. Like, they they understand everything. They understand why this happened. They understand they make all the connections. They see it.

Robin [00:19:35]:

It's all beautiful. Everything's wonderful. Everything is for the pro progression of human progress progress progress wow. I can't say that word. Progression of humankind. And that's like what I've kind of concluded about my life is like I am here to learn and it That is what drives drives me and and that's what feeds my passion and I love to learn and I love to feel like I'm growing as a soul and I love feeling like I am living my life through my heart. Like, my heart is leading the way. I don't want my ego to lead the way.

Robin [00:20:19]:

I don't want, the fact that, you know, we have mortgage to lead the way. It's a factor, and it is very important. But it's it's a moment in time for me. This moment of uncomfortableness. And we all experience uncomfortable moments in our Right? And honestly, every uncomfortable moment. So if you have a fight with your husband or your kid or a coworker. After you come to some sort of resolution, which hopefully you can because that's part of learning and growing in this world is like dealing with people and like talking about things and expressing yourself and setting your own boundaries and having those uncomfortable talks. Once you're through that uncomfortableness, you might cry, You might get upset.

Robin [00:21:18]:

You might get you might shake. You might have a physical reaction in your body. But once you've had that and you've released that kind of energy, You feel so much better and you can do so much more and you have so much more ideas and, like, you have to live through those uncomfortable moments to get to the good stuff. And I I I say that and then sometimes I get down on the dumps and I'm like, oh, nothing good is happening. And then Literally 2 days later something wonderful will happen. I always ask for signs. I'm like a big asker. I love I love the book and I've mentioned this before but Signs by Laura Lynn Jackson, The Secret Language of the Universe.

Robin [00:22:01]:

It is just it's such an easy read and it's just so impactful. It's I I'm a lover of Stories. When I was a kid, I used to love reading reader's digest because it all had a bunch of like just short stories from people. I love that. So this Stories. I don't know. I lost that completely. Oh my gosh.

Robin [00:22:35]:

Damn. This is like one of those complete, Complete complete brain farts. Side note. I was talking to my friend. It might come back. So And if not, I'll talk about it in another podcast. Something about stories. It's like just completely jumped out of my head.

Robin [00:22:56]:

It's like, what? My friend and I always say brain fart. And I have a lot of listeners from I shouldn't say a lot of listeners. I have listeners, from all over the world. I see you on on my app all over the world. Australia, New Zealand, Russia, Saudi Arabia, all over the place. So tell me what are some weird expressions that you use on a day to day basis because it's different from around the all around the world. Right? My like, whenever I can't to think or, like, I lose my train of thought. I always say my brain is farting.

Robin [00:23:37]:

Then I was like, I wonder if people, like, use that terminology normally. Anyways, my friend does too. So, but there's something else I say. Like, when I get gas. I say I'm tanking up. And my husband was like, what? Nobody says that. I'm like, yeah. I'm tanking up.

Robin [00:24:00]:

Like, you're filling up your tank. Right? He's like, no. People say fuel up or gas up. And I was like, pretty sure people say tank up. So let me know. Settle that argument for us. Do you say Tank up. And my friend, she's from a small town in Ontario.

Robin [00:24:23]:

And at our wedding, this is so random, at our wedding, it was like pouring rain. We were getting our hair done and like Within like 10 minutes, 3 of the people said the same thing and I had never heard that expression before. They said it's It's teaming out there. It's teaming cats and dogs, I think. But it was teaming. I'm like, is that an expression? They're like, yeah. It's teaming out there. Apparently, in small town Ontario, Teaming is what you say when it's really raining hard.

Robin [00:25:03]:

Maybe that's an expression everywhere, but I was just like in a weird pocket that nobody said that. But, and people talked about tanking up stuff. I don't know. I'm really stuck on the stories thing. I really wish I could go back, but I like to do a continuous thing. Otherwise, I have to Edit something in a software, and that's no fun. Oh my god. No.

Robin [00:25:38]:

Oh my gosh. You know? You say things, that's blasphemy. Shouldn't say that. Right? I don't know. I'm not perfect. I'm not perfect. I'm really bad at podcasting sometimes. Really bad at podcasting.

Robin [00:26:00]:

But also, you know what? I'm great at podcasting. We should always change our negative thoughts into positive ones. That's an important thing. It's hard to do because It's actually hard to compliment yourself. Try it. Look in the mirror and say, you are wonderful. You are beautiful. You have the nicest These eyes.

Robin [00:26:24]:

Oh my gosh. Just say nice things to yourself. It it actually helps boost your self esteem. I used to have, the words I am enough written in in my shower on a shampoo bottle because it's important for you to know that you're enough. So I'm sorry I forgot the story. I'm sorry I forgot the story. I really think it's gonna come back to me. Fuck.

Robin [00:27:05]:

If you have a story you wanna share with me, I'm gonna start, telling you to go to my website now. Maybe it'll come back. I I don't know where this podcast is leading me. I know that it's connected me to all sorts of people all around the world, and I love that. It makes me So happy every time I get a message or a voice note or whatever from anyone who's listened to the podcast. I'm it, like, literally makes my day. So thank you. Thank you.

Robin [00:27:34]:

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. My day as I have a website. It's called aphantasia And on there, there's an experiments page. And on the experiments page.

Robin [00:27:52]:

I should probably streamline this a bit better. You click and you can share your story. And I really want any story. I want stories about, oh, I just found out I had aphantasia. Like, the right up there says your story about near the experience, blah blah blah. But literally tell me anything because I'm I'm I'm compiling stories, because I think that, the more we tell our stories, The more it feels less crazy and the more other people will share their stories and then the more normalized these conversations become. Right? Maybe I was talking about Signs. Was that what it was? I was talking about Signs, the book Signs.

Robin [00:28:42]:

No. I think that came after. It's a really good book. Oh, that's what I was I this the book, I think this is where I was going with it. And I was like a 7 minute leeway. The book is all, like, anecdotal stories. So, like, She I guess people oh my gosh. Where am I going with this? In the book, people she shares people's experiences with finding signs.

Robin [00:29:11]:

I I don't know why

Robin [00:29:11]:

that was so hard to say. And it's just so uplifting and heartwarming, and Amazing how these different signs can come in. And then she weaves her own personal story into it. Like, monarch butterflies were were a sign for Her and when she found out the same day she found out she was pregnant, the swarm of monarch butterflies were migrating. And she has another story about oranges. She she the book is really good. It's really well written. It's really easy to read and I love stories.

Robin [00:29:47]:

So this is where I was kind of going with this and I think that I was gonna end going back to my website anyways. I love stories and I I feel like the more we tell stories, and this is what I'm starting to do on my TikTok, is just like to share a random story, about something miraculous that's happened or an experience that I've had that's a little bit out of the ordinary. Like I recently talked about how I had the dream about my son before I was pregnant, like when I was 15 and then I had him when I was 17. These kind of stories, I think they happen to more people than you would ex would think. Like an out of body experience or a weird dream that later comes true. And you're like, Man, that was weird. But I didn't tell anyone about it so I can't it doesn't really it doesn't really feel real. I wanna hear those stories.

Robin [00:30:39]:

I'm gonna I just like I'll believe it. And I know that sounds like I'm just like, believe anything. Well, I want I wanna hear miraculous stories. And and why why would you make something up? And maybe you do. Hey. I like fiction as well. It's not like I'm scientifically doc I know it's called aphantasia experiments. I'm not like I'm not too, I'm pretty laid back in my research.

Robin [00:31:13]:

I just wanna get all the information and, I don't know, figure out what I'm gonna do with it later? I keep thinking so I come from a career in publishing. Like, there has to be some sort of connection here. Like, I'm I know how to market books. I know how to design books. I know how to edit books. I know how to, to sell books to to bookstores, all this stuff. Right? And I have this obsession with learning store like, hearing stories. So I feel like there's there is something in there.

Robin [00:31:49]:

You know? I think of, like, chicken soup for the soul, but more for, magical moments. Like spiritual like Glitch in the Matrix or or like, I don't know. I also would like like stories about people finding out they have aphantasia and and how they feel different and No. I like stories. Just just share your stories with me. Okay? That's what I'm trying to get at. And and if you want, you can say in the thing, that you want me to share it on the podcast. I have a couple I have to go through still.

Robin [00:32:28]:

Yeah. If you want me to share it on the podcast, I can do that. I also have the thing that if you wanna be a guest, I have, like, several people that have reached out to me that I wanna be a guest on the podcast, and I have to that's like a 2024 goal for me because I don't know why. It really it makes me nervous. My good friend, if you wanna listen to a really good podcast, she has a podcast called Swall therapy. Her name is Jen Holly. She has this amazing podcast. And where was I going with this? Am I sharing this with you? Yeah.

Robin [00:33:10]:

It's gone. Anyways, maybe I was just supposed to tell you about Jen's podcast. She has this amazing podcast. Oh, yeah. No. I know where I was saying. Just had to wait for it. She has a a great podcast, and I like listening to hers.

Robin [00:33:29]:

And and, She approaches it differently. Like, she has notes, and sometimes she just has an idea. And she's tried my process of, like, walking or standing, whatever. I don't know if she's done walking, but we talk about podcasting and, like, what works for us and whatnot. Anyways, she recently did an interview podcast, and I was like, holy shit. You were Oprah. That is So good. And then I was like, there's no way I could be that good at interviewing.

Robin [00:33:58]:

So I just I'm nervous about that. I I don't know. I'm a fairly good conversationalist, so I feel that would be fine. That I'm like, for these podcasts, I literally ramble as you can probably tell, and I have no plan. But for an interview, I'd probably have to do some planning and that my my squirrel brain doesn't wanna do it. But then I'm like, there's a lot of people I wanna interview. I wanna talk to, like, neuroscientists and all different types of scientists and also all types of intuitives and psychics and and, just the the vast Realm of different human beings on this planet, I want to, talk about weird stuff with them. You know? I've seen this, meme or well, it's not a meme, like a quote or whatever on Instagram and and Twitter a few not Twitter.

Robin [00:35:02]:

I'm not on Twitter. On, TikTok a few times where it's like I am not good at small talk. I like to get weird and deep, and that's me to my core. I like to get deep. I like to talk. I like to yeah. I don't small talk makes me uncomfortable. Not uncomfortable, but I usually, like, get get deep quickly with people.

Robin [00:35:36]:

What else do I have to say today? What are some things I've read or listened to that I wanna share with you? And, also, if you have any ideas for guests on the podcast, like, if there's someone you want me to listen or want me to talk to, especially, like, if you if you have aphantasia and you're like, I want you to talk more about aphantasia. Research this. That's like my podcast fan voice. Clearly, you're very high pitched. If if you have any ideas, send send me an email. My email is But, also, like, just go to my website, aphantasia, and go to the share page because It's on under experiments. Maybe I should just make that share.

Robin [00:36:24]:

Still figuring out the logistics of the website. K? I'm only 1 person, and because I have a background in, like, marketing design, I know how to do all of these things. I feel like I can't get someone else to do it, but then I'm like, this is not what I wanna be doing anymore. Like, I don't want to be working on SEO or design or anything like that. I wanna just be podcasting and then doing nice things in my community and working in ways in positive ways kinda thing. But because I have all this knowledge, I'm like, I have to use the knowledge. I have. But honestly, sometimes hiring someone else's is actually the better human thing to do.

Robin [00:37:13]:

Right? Because you're giving someone else an opportunity to shine. I should think of it that way. Anyways, I don't actually need to hire anyone, but eventually I will get to that because,

Robin [00:37:29]:

I'm gonna be

Robin [00:37:32]:

some major bigs gonna blow up and, Yeah. Like, my Reiki business is gonna go crazy. And, I took I'm taking this this job. And, Yeah. When, Ted Danson comes to me and and buys Why is my website? Why the Ted Danson? Does Ted Danson have anything to do Ted Danson. Why am I talking about Ted Dancer? Did you guys watch? Sorry. I can literally hear geese in the background. I don't know if you can hear that, but, like, they're so loud.

Robin [00:38:25]:

I got a message. Okay. I just finished 4 sentences there. Sorry. There's so much stuff coming out of me right now that you're like, what the hell is she talking about? Did you ever watch Who's the Boss? That's where I was going. Ted Danson was not in Who's the Boss, but Ted Danson makes me think of Tony Danza. Why? There has to be some relation, but maybe it's just t names. I don't know.

Robin [00:38:51]:

But who's the boss? And I never understood. I watched that show as a kid, and I was like, why is it called who's the boss? Like, Angela is the boss. Why are we even questioning this? Why is this a question? It makes no sense. She is employing Toni. She's the boss. She's also the boss at her job. Why wouldn't you be the boss? Anyways, tell me if that drove you crazy. It didn't even drive me crazy.

Robin [00:39:17]:

I was just like, I don't understand this. And the more you think about it, the more it's like, oh, are women not supposed to be the boss? Imagine if every world leader was female. It'd be weird and very different. Very different. Or like not even just female because males and females can have, different energies. Like, you could be a female but have a very male energy, like a king energy. Imagine if there was no kings leading the world. They were all queens.

Robin [00:40:04]:

I feel like the world would be, like, so much Better. You know? Queens can move anywhere on a chessboard, and kings can only move 1 or 2 spots. 1 spot. 1 spot at a time. Like, who would wanna be a king? And why is that the most important piece? Stupid. Right? Anyways, Do I have anything to talk about Aphantasia this week? Sorry. I'm still working on my imprints, like when I stare at something and look away. I also find well, I stare at something dark and then I look at something light and I can bring that imprint somewhere else.

Robin [00:40:59]:

There's certain times of day that I can really see energy, I feel like. So and I don't know if you've read, and by you, I mean, any of the people who are listening. If you've read the book, this a celestial prophecy, it could be I cannot why can't I say this word? Celestine prophecy. Sorry. I don't know why I can't say it, but whatever that book is, it's like This guy goes to Peru, and he he's finding the secret to the universe, whatever. It's a very spiritual book, and it's good. It's really good. But in the book, it talks about, being able to see energy.

Robin [00:41:53]:

And if you go out, think it's seeing energy or seeing more. I don't know. Yeah. Seeing energy. I think it's seeing energy. If you go out at, like, dawn or dusk And you go and you look at a tree. Okay? Look at in between. So if you're looking up at a tree, Look at the branches and look in between the leaves and trees at the air.

Robin [00:42:21]:

Okay? There's nothing like not at don't focus your eyes on the leaves or the branches. Like, focus on the in between. And when you focus on the in between, at those times, not always. And the more you do this at those times, the more it'll trickle trickle into other times. So if you do this exercise or you stare at tree branches, the like the emptiness the empty spots, You'll start seeing almost like dots, like a buzzing. I can only I don't know. I can I feel like that's all I can describe it? It's like a a visual buzzing. Okay? So I started doing this.

Robin [00:43:04]:

And anytime I'm, like, walking my dog and the sun's going up, I really try to, like, look up at the sky and, like, in especially in the forest. I looked at the branches and stuff, and I try to do this exercise because you really can see it. It's very, very clear. And another exercise you can do is is, look at your hand and just get your hand like, get really lazy with your eyes and just stare for a good 30 seconds. You'll start to see almost a glow around your hand and that's like it's supposed to be your aura. You can do this and you can you can see different colors and whatnot. You can do it in front of a mirror too. If you stand in front of a mirror, if you have a white wall behind you.

Robin [00:43:52]:

If you stare in the mirror and just stare for the longest time, like 40 seconds a minute. Don't, like, readjust your eyes. Let them get, like, tired. You'll start to see the aura around yourself too, which is like an energy. But, at first, I can only see these energies, like, during in the morning and at night. And, actually, I just read this book called the heartbeat of trees, and it talks about how the branches, like the So, you know, people say, like, hug a tree. If you're you wanna feel grounded, like, touch a tree, lean against a tree, whatever. The The most amount of, like, ions you can get from a tree are in the branches at the top.

Robin [00:44:34]:

So Maybe that's what you're seeing is, like, the negative ions coming from the tree. I don't know. I don't know. Maybe there's an actual science there, but definitely can see it more in the in the morning and in the evening, but now that I've done this exercise so often, I can see it more, you know, during during the day. And also, I see so much color in Stuff that I don't think I did before. I've talked about this before, I think. In my shower, I have subway tile white subway tile, and I will stare at this. And this is like another exercise I do for visualization.

Robin [00:45:22]:

It's all just stare and stare and stare and stare until my eyes kinda start playing tricks on me. And, so what will happen is, like, the water falling on the wall will, like, turn into a face or whatever. And, I will start seeing, like, glows, like, glowing edges on things. And then I also it's completely white, the subway tile, but I start picking up all the color that's in the white. Like, I see a buzzing red, a buzzing blue. It's like a buzzing color. I don't know how else to say explain it. So, I wonder if if the more you kinda realize what you're seeing, the more you'll see.

Robin [00:46:15]:

Like, the more you recognize. Okay. I am seeing a blue buzzing right now. What does that mean? Is that Is that a certain energy? Is that I don't know. I'm just figuring it out. But, I wanted to share that with you because I feel, Who knows? Maybe that maybe one day, you're like, hey. I wanna look at this tree. I remember this podcast.

Robin [00:46:40]:

It talked about this. I don't know. Maybe you wanna read the Celestine prophecy. Who knows? There's a movie about it too. It's super cheesy. This is a thing that really bothers me. So, you know, I'm super spiritual, super into learning about all of the things, new age y, I guess you'd call it, occult perhaps back in the day. I like just learning about it.

Robin [00:47:09]:

I like I like kind of merging the science and spirituality side too. The thing that drives me crazy and tell me if you agree with me. Shoot me an email and tell me. All spiritual movies are so cheesy. It drives me bananas. I love Gaia. I have a Gaia membership. I love it for the content.

Robin [00:47:31]:

There's so much great stuff on there. But holy cheese fest bananas, like, it is so cheesy. Like, everything about it, the typography, the lighting, I come from a background of design, so I'm like, like, if we just filmed it more like an HBO documentary and less like, A cheesy hippie fest. Like, people would take it more seriously and not think of spirituality and all the different explorations of different unknown stuff to be woo woo. Right? I I even say it's woo woo, but if I don't know. I don't know where I was going with that, but I feel like I don't even know what the hell I was talking about. See, sometimes when that happens, when you're just like I feel like I was talking loud there too. When you get taken over like that, It's not I feel like that's not me talking.

Robin [00:48:33]:

Like, I have no idea what I'm talking about sometimes. And then I'm like, okay. I guess that's it. Like, That's what I'm thinking. I'm like, is this is this me or is this someone, like, accessing me to get this this stuff out? I really encourage anyone out there to start a podcast even if you're just podcasting for yourself because you learn a lot about yourself. You are able to reflect on experiences that you've had and learn from them even more than you've rode regularly depending on what you talk about on your podcast, obviously. But, Yeah. Just start a podcast and do exactly what I'm doing because you will realize that you probably do a little bit of channeling too.

Robin [00:49:16]:

Like, if you just start talking and talking and talking, something's gonna come out of you there. You're like, where did that come from? Trust me. Like, trust me. It happens to me, like, 10 times a day with my voice notes with friends. Like, I I get A message that's, like, 10 minutes long, and then it's like, I don't even know what I said. Like, there's I don't even know what I said there. And it's because you're almost being taken over. It's like your higher self maybe.

Robin [00:49:45]:

It's maybe it's not channeling like a ghost or something, like a spirit or whatever. Maybe it's just you're stepping into your higher self because the more you talk, the more you let go of that ego mind because you can't access it when you continuously speak and share. I don't know. Random thoughts. Random thoughts. I'm gonna end this here. I, again, don't really know what I talked about this in episode. I hope there was some information about aphantasia that might be beneficial for you.

Robin [00:50:17]:

I feel like even the energy about the trees is probably good. Right? Right? I recently watched a podcast. I'm I'm on a bit of a John Edward kick. I'm really digging what he says. If you listen to, like, recent interviews with him, I've gone on a bit of bit of a binge. I've learned a lot about him, but the way he speaks about Psychic stuff. I I really like what he has to say. So if you have an opportunity to to watch the Howie Mandel interview.

Robin [00:50:54]:

It's really great. I just watched another one by, some astrologer person. It was really good too, and it made me really wanna listen to her podcast about astrology. I haven't gotten too deep into astrology. I completely believe in it. I just It's part of the rabbit hole that I'm on that I haven't gotten to. The rabbit hole is very, very big, and There's a lot of carrots in there, and I only have 2 hands to dig it. So I don't know.

Robin [00:51:30]:

Okay. That's it for today. I, again, I hope you enjoyed this podcast. Please rate and review if you liked it. And if you didn't, Don't do that because it's really annoying when you get a a negative review. I hope you have a wonderful day, and I hope you keep listening. And go to my website and share a story with me. I wanna hear from you.

Robin [00:51:53]:

Please. I love you.