Aphantasia Unraveled: Exploring Dark Souls, Soul Progression, and Helping Lost Souls Find their Path

Aphantasia Unraveled: Exploring Dark Souls, Soul Progression, and Helping Lost Souls Find their Path

Robin [00:00:00]:

I am stopping this episode because I lost my flow, and I was at 45 minutes already. And my headphones died. So now I'm recording this just through my phone so I sound different. But I just wanna say thank you for listening. I'm gonna try to Get this podcast up up and maybe record something else. I have to listen back because I don't remember what I said in this episode at all, and I feel like there's a lot of information that I did not Provide. But here are some things that have been coming through for me. And if you are, like, in a space where you're, like, confused and you don't really know, and he wants me to talk about it with or whatever.

Robin [00:00:41]:

If you because I feel like Part of me is like, I'm supposed to bring people together to talk about similar things. I don't know where it's gonna lead, but fire me an email If you're interested in anything I've been talking about, dark souls, this is what I was gonna get into about helping souls On this side and on the other side, kinda realized their potential and moved to the space that they're supposed to be. I think that's part of my purpose. If you feel in a similar head space to that, please send me an email, rofolcreative@gmail.com, or Any of this stuff on this episode resonated with you. I have so much more to say. I will try to get more episodes up this week, but, please email me. And I know not all this stuff is gonna get through to you. What I've realized is There's so many layers to spiritual development and ascension and whatever.

Robin [00:01:41]:

I every week, I think, oh my gosh. I know so much. I've learned so much. And then a week goes by, I'm like I'm like, holy crap. I know so much more. And I think that's the point of life and afterlife. I think that we're supposed to constantly keep growing and then we get thrown into another life and we had got amnesia from our past life, but This soul progression is still kinda growing throughout our multi multiple lives. And, Something will resonate in this episode, but not all things.

Robin [00:02:13]:

It all depends on where you are in your development. And I encourage people to play, like, Russian roulette not Russian roulette. Like, just, like, play shuffle podcast. You know? Like, Listen to a random podcast because you'll get some random information. You know? Sometimes I listen to 5 minutes of a podcast because I know I got the information listening. And maybe that's you here, maybe not. Maybe I'm just rambling some more, and I was really coming on to say goodbye. I was.

Robin [00:02:44]:

So I'm gonna say goodbye, but, please feel free to, drop me an email or write a review or, hey, Donate to the podcast. I would love that. No pressure, but, it is so greatly appreciated. And, yeah, I love hearing from you guys. And stay tuned so for some really awesome meditation tracks that I'm gonna post to the website as soon as I can hyperfocus my way into them. And if you are on my grounding challenge, please, Whatever questions I asked, you can answer them yourself, but I'm going to get a post questionnaire up very soon. So just bear with me. Just been kinda crazy over here.

Robin [00:03:29]:

So, yeah, that's it for now. Have a wonderful, amazing, joy filled, love filled, energized day. Oh, you know what? I wanted to talk about 1 more thing. I wanted to talk did I tell you about the cough? About how I I've had this cough for, like, 2 years. And my friend literally just told me I was over there on Friday, and she said because because I was doing an oracle. Maybe I did say this. I don't remember. I was doing an oracle reading on her and I started coughing.

Robin [00:04:05]:

And she was like, whenever you cough, It's like spirit coming through, like, validating. And I was like, what? And then I, like, had these flashes to all these times. I'm recording something and I'm coughing. I'm like apologizing, but it's really just validation, I think, from spirit. Because it's like this cough came right as I entered This spiritual kinda developed like, I really, really leaped into my spiritual development, and I had this cough and it wouldn't go away. And I've had these, like, physical experiences. You know, it's all kinda connecting now, these physical experiences I've Bad. And coughing is one of them.

Robin [00:04:43]:

I always just blame COVID for it, but I think it was, like, part of part of my, Journey. Anyways, if you have a random tick like a cough or a hiccup or a chill or, you know, twitch, and you're like, what? Or a ringing in your ear or something, you know, whatever it is. Don't just, like, think, oh, that's just whatever. Lean into it and see what it is. See realize, like, listen to what you were talking about in that moment or, What were you thinking about? It's like when you see the angel numbers, when you see 1111 or whatever. Sometimes it means something, sometimes it means nothing. Sometimes you're thinking about someone that you loved in that moment and that's what that is. It's like them saying hi.

Robin [00:05:28]:

Sometimes it's just angels being like, hey, you're loved. You know? It It is really what you make of it, but, for me, the coughing while I'm in the middle of a tangent, usually a validation that what I'm saying is Accurate, true, or or I have, like, an abundance of energy flowing through me and I need to ground myself a bit more. So I'm just kinda learning what my body Body is safe. And now I'm really gonna go. I promise. This is the last time I'm gonna say goodbye. I hope your day is wonderful. Go ground yourself.

Robin [00:06:00]:

Put your feet in the in the ground or go grab a pole and ground yourself. Have a great day. Love you.