Exploring Gender Dynamics: Male Energy, Female Leadership, and Learning from Different Cultures

Exploring Gender Dynamics: Male Energy, Female Leadership, and Learning from Different Cultures

Speaker A [00:00:00]:

Hello, and welcome to another episode of Aphantasia Experiments. I am gonna do something a little different today. I've actually done this before if you've been with me since the beginning. Wow. Thank you. And if you haven't, you should probably watch listen to all my episodes. You traitor. Why are you only on this episode? Actually, just kidding.

Speaker A [00:00:22]:

I think that people land on certain episodes for a reason. So, I'm just kidding. Listen to whatever you feel like. But one of my earlier episodes, I, folded laundry while doing a podcast episode because I find when I fold laundry, I tend to Turn off my ego mind, and so I'm accessing a different part of my mind, because I'm kinda doing tasks, right? I'm using up my brain power, but I'm also not, You know, it's like a different kind. You're using a different part of your brain. It's like when you're in the shower and you're shampooing and stuff and you have all these great ideas. You're doing something for when you're driving and then windshield wipers are going and you're like, you're in this like zone, right? And I hate doing laundry, but I also feel like this is something I could do both at the same time and it would be way more fun. And since I've been really low vibe lately, if I'm gonna do this activity that I kinda despise, why not do it with some while I'm doing something I love, which is podcasting.

Speaker A [00:01:30]:

I'm alone right now. There's nobody around. Could easily do this when the kids around and it will be way more annoying, or I could do it now and podcast at the same time genius right podcast at the same time so anyways, that's what I'm doing And I'm so jacked up that I need to take my sweater off, which means I might make noise with my microphone. So give me a second. I'll be back. All right, I'm here. Okay, as I said, welcome to my podcast. I have to do all this laundry today.

Speaker A [00:02:13]:

My daughter, my 8 year old daughter, has been having a really hard time. She is A Type AAA plus She has been my easiest child by far. She is, like just easy in the way that she's so intelligent. She learned how to crawl. She learned how to put herself to bed. She learned how to nap on her own. Like, she was just, like, the easiest baby potty trained in, like, 2 seconds by herself. She was like, I'll just get some toilet paper, mom.

Speaker A [00:02:48]:

Like she was just like peace, and has always been like that. Just this very, very quick at everything, and super, hard on herself, which is the thing that we're struggling with right now. So she, She's a power tumbler, which is gymnastics. Basically she tumbles on a strip In a straight line she does like back handsprings and stuff in a line. They do passes, there's a world championship for it, it's not in the Olympics unfortunately. But if it was, she'd beheaded there. She's very, very good. She's the youngest on her team by two and a half years, so, Which means she's like the best in her city basically by two and a half years.

Speaker A [00:03:42]:

Does that make sense? Like she's really good. Exceptionally good for her age, I guess. She's on par with the other kids in her thing, but she has other kids who are up to 13. She trains with like people who are 18. She's Anyway, she's basically, She taught herself how to do all this stuff. She's so driven and just if she sees something, she's like, I'm gonna do that and I'm gonna figure it out. I wanna watch a YouTube video, I'm gonna analyze this, I'm gonna visualize in my head, she's super good at visualizing. And she's explained, like she's taught me so much about visualizing.

Speaker A [00:04:20]:

I was laying there with her one day, she was saying that she really wanted to do Three backhand springs in a row. She had 2 in her own, she wanted 3 in her own. I'm like, okay, well, how are you gonna get there? She's like, I just have to like picture it first. I actually know that I can do it before I do it kind of thing. So she was visualizing it, and she kept doing it in her head, and she's like, I need to take a break, I'm getting dizzy. And I'm Like you get dizzy, what? That's so cool. Anyways, She, before she does her pass, which is like when she tumbles down the strip, you can see her eyes do this thing where they like, I've seen it on her so many times actually, where she gets hyper, hyper focused for her eyes. First of all, she has the most beautiful blue eyes, they're like a husky.

Speaker A [00:05:12]:

You know those huskies that when you look into a husky's eyes, and you think that they're looking directly into your soul, because their eyes are so like strikingly blue, and they have that kind of rim around the eye. That's my daughter's eyes. She has husky eyes. She is a husky, I think she is a husky reincarnated. She has husky eyes. And so But something happens when she focuses, she does this literally have not folded 1 piece of laundry by the way. Oh, no, I did. I did 2 towels.

Speaker A [00:05:42]:

Sitting here capping, like this is ever gonna work. Anyways, she gets Before she does something like goes down the tumbling track, or before she practices a new move on the trampoline, or before she, What was she doing? Oh, she was playing with my singing bowls the other day. And to get going on the singing bowls, which is like, I have a Tibetan singing bowl, which is basically, I think it's brass. And you have a little mallet thing that you go around and it makes noise. So she was going around with that, and if you go too fast, it Scratches. And if you go too slow, it stops, and you have to kind of reactivate it. And if you go just right, you can get into the zone, and it's Very hypnotic. As soon as you get into that zone, because you have to you have to keep the pace, and it's like the same amount of pressure, and it's just like, If you played the same keys on a keyboard over and over again, you would get into kind of a trace, and that's what happens.

Speaker A [00:06:38]:

So I watch her do this and her eyes Just do this thing, the same thing she does when she's tumbling. They kind of like her pupils get wider, it's almost like her irises expand. She looks like an anime character, it's just absolutely wild what happens. And I don't know what that is, but it's very My son has a similar thing and I always thought that that was like an epilepsy thing, because he has epilepsy, but I don't know. Anyways, back to my daughter. Where am I going with all this stuff? She Had a meltdown this morning. Oh no, did I forget my water? She had a meltdown this morning because she is not wanting to change her clothes. It's been like 2 weeks before we're wearing the same outfit.

Speaker A [00:07:28]:

Make her change her underwear. I wash this outfit as often as I can, but it's not every day, like I'm not washing her outfit every day. And then I think like, is that really that disgusting? It's not really that disgusting, like some people Only had 1 outfit that they wear every day, and is that that gross? And honestly, I work from home. Half the time I wear the same sweatpants every day, you know, so I'm making perchanger outfit just because probably I don't wanna look like We don't have enough money to buy our clothes, like that's probably where what it stems down to. There's really nothing wrong with the clothes, she doesn't smell. You should just let her wear the clothes, right? Or not. I don't know. See, these are parenting things I'm not sure about.

Speaker A [00:08:20]:

So anyways, this morning, it's been a while since she's changed her clothes. And the thing is, it's middle of November here in Ontario. So as much as I wanna support her and be like, wear what's comfortable? It is cold out and she doesn't wanna change, she doesn't wanna take her sandals off either, she's got these Birkenstock sandals. And The outfit she likes is this like, sorry, I was making cookies and I totally burned them. Just a little bit though, they're just a little crisp. You know what those are good for if you ever burn cookies? Just put them, crumble them up and put them in some vanilla ice cream, delicious, delicious. Clearly I've purchased cookies before. So she doesn't want to change her outfit, so this morning I was like, I need you to change your outfit today.

Speaker A [00:09:15]:

Not just because we need to wash it, but because it's really cold out and you can't wear shorts and a crop top anymore. So she's a gymnast, this is what she lives in. She just, the moment she wakes up in the morning till the moment she goes to bed, she's sleeping. Except for at school, but she wants to wear her outfit because that's what she feels most comfortable in. So I let her do her thing. But she's attached herself to this one outfit and this pair of sandals, which it's November in, like middle of November. We've seen snow a couple times. Nothing's landed on the ground, but It's cold, it's not warm anymore.

Speaker A [00:09:52]:

She should be wearing shoes and socks, you know? Anyway, so she had a meltdown this morning and then Through most of her clothes all over her room. And she is not a behavior child. She is not someone that I've ever had to deal with Behavioural issues like that, so it's not It's very out of character for her. And after talking to her a couple nights ago about the clothes, Specifically, we talked a lot about it and I know it's more than just the clothes to her, but I want her to also work through it. So we lost my father-in-law, her grandfather, not too long ago, and it's very much impacted her in so many ways. But the way it's coming out is like, she just doesn't she always wanted to let go of this outfit, because She wore it the last time she saw them, you know? And it's like she can't let go of that. It's, I get it and I get it, I completely get it. And I know that if she like goes with her sandals, by the time it's sandal weather again, those sandals are not gonna be good anymore.

Speaker A [00:10:59]:

She loves those sandals, comfortable, so you don't wanna like stop wearing them, because then she knows it's over with those sandals. You know, I get where her mind is. I get it. It all makes sense when you look at How death can affect a child, if you really think about that. It affects them in so many different ways, Affects us all in so many different ways, and, yeah, that's just one of them. So I'm looking at getting her some support, someone to talk to other than me. She talks to me about a lot of stuff and she's very open with me, which I'm very lucky about. I'm lucky and blessed.

Speaker A [00:11:39]:

But I also know that it's nice to have someone else other than your parents to talk about stuff with. And I also, I don't know how to deal with, Not deal with, I don't know how to handle the hyper perfectionism, because that's not me. As you can see on this podcast, I am doing laundry while folding, or sorry, while podcasting. And I've burped on this podcast before. I am not a hyper perfectionist. I am a, like let's have some fun, let's live life. It might get messy, but I'm here for it kind of girl, you know? My daughter's like, If we don't do it properly, it's not worth doing. Yeah, she's looked so hard on herself.

Speaker A [00:12:35]:

I swear I got up to get a glass of water, and now I'm back sitting down, folding laundry again. I did put something away though, towels maybe? Yes, towels. I put towels away. I even brought my tarot deck in here in case I wanted to do some tarot. So recently I finished, and I feel like I've talked about this already, but I don't actually think I have, because I recorded 2 podcast episodes, and they both, the sound, were just Not great on, so I didn't post them. But I've just finished reading, Rain Wilson, I always want to say Rainnetta who's like this lead singer of Our Lady of Peace. If you don't know who Our Lady of Peace is should Google them. They're from Canada and you know Canada has a lot of great artists out there.

Speaker A [00:13:24]:

If you wanna know another great Canadian band, you should look up the Trues, they're one of my favorites. I've seen them in concert many many times. Back to Rainn Wilson though, Rainn Wilson. He Wrote a book called Soulboom, and I just finished it, it was very good. In the book he Fitch is starting his own religion. Now, I actually have to check out his website, because I feel like he probably has stuff out there, but I think I'm on board for this religion. I feel, I feel, I feel We could vibe together, and one of his, one of his main principles is having lots of potlucks. So I'm down for that.

Speaker A [00:14:02]:

I love eating, and I feel like Something I'm missing in my life currently is connection with like minded people. Like in real life, you know? Wouldn't that be nice to like get together and eat food? I'm sure you're listening to this and you're like, I did that last week. Well, I don't see a lot of people currently. Yeah, it's been a while. It's probably like COVID, like since COVID, it's been fairly There hasn't been a lot of like, out and about time. And I feel like we all should kind of get back into that. Maybe it's just me, maybe it's just me. My husband and I went out a couple weeks ago, Actually, this is a good story.

Speaker A [00:14:48]:

It's not even a good story, but I'm gonna tell it because I'm not sure what else to talk about and it'll lead to something. So we went out a couple weeks ago. October 28th to be exact. I remember it was a Saturday. It was a full moon. No, I don't think it was. Is that a lie? No. Full Moon is a November.

Speaker A [00:15:12]:

It was not a Full Moon. I lied. I don't think. Maybe it was.

Speaker B [00:15:16]:

I don't know.

Speaker A [00:15:17]:

Does not matter. Doesn't matter. Might have been a full moon. Might not have been. Yeah, you know what? It was a full moon. I'm not gonna be I'm gonna have to Google this after. Was it a full moon? So my husband and I have been out twice during the full moon, and we both, like, remarked about full moon. I feel like this was a time that was a full moon, because we had gone out a couple of nights before.

Speaker A [00:15:43]:

His father passed away and it was a full moon. So I like have that marker in my head, of the Full Moon. So I think it's a Full Moon. Anyways, we went out to a local bar in Burlington, Ontario. We're in Burlington, not gonna give you my address. But, we're going to this bar called Uptown Social, I think. And it's really fun. They do dueling pianos on Saturday night, and we had been wanting to go.

Speaker A [00:16:15]:

I've been to dueling pianos before in Las Vegas and in Toronto, several times in Toronto, but in Vegas it was like, I don't know if you've been to the one in Vegas, or if it's still a thing. I went in like 2006, so I don't know if it's still a thing. But they would have people like chucking hundos at these guys doing the piano to get them to Twitched their songs and stuff, and I was like It was very much dueling, whereas this piano performance It was awesome, and I love collaboration with pianos, like having 2 pianos at the same time. It's very fun to watch. But it was definitely not dueling. Like nobody was shucking money. Nobody was like getting the 1 guy to sing over the other guy. It was like they were singing together collaboratively.

Speaker A [00:17:01]:

So, Why am I telling that? I don't know. Anyways, this is October 28th, and it was a random decision to go out. We realized we hadn't been on a date in a very long time. Like the the time before that we went out, we had brought our children, so I mean a date without our kids. It had been since like the summer. Really, we need a night out! And again, my husband had just lost his dad, so it's just like you know, we needed some uplifting energy in our lives. So we went out and didn't didn't realize it was Halloween, and I was like, damn it. I am so the person who would always dress up, you know.

Speaker A [00:17:45]:

Never would I not dress up. And if I went to the bar on Halloween, and someone wasn't dressed up, I would think, man, that sucks that that person doesn't, that lost their fun in life, you know? And I was like, I haven't lost my fun. I just totally forgot it was Halloween weekend. Like, I just, I'm so out of that like, the bar life that I wouldn't even I don't know, I guess I should have realized that it was that the weekend of of Halloween. Anyways, the thing that I was disappointed in Halloween costumes this year were I feel like nobody's funny anymore, I don't know everyone's kind of generic. I really wanted to go as if I went to a Halloween party this year, and I'll do it another year. I was surprised that not a lot of people went as Barbie, and if you went as Barbie, you went as like hot Barbie. I was like, that's so generic and boring.

Speaker A [00:18:41]:

You know, like everyone's gonna do that. I was actually surprised that not as many people did it as I thought would, but there was like at least 5 Barbies at the But the this thing. I think that Weirdo Barbie would be the easiest costume. My kids always wanna do my makeup. And every time I do they do my makeup, I just look like, like an insane clown. Just like eyebrows are black, and like she's ridiculous, and then my kids want to do my hair, and it's the same thing. I just One time, my son tried doing my hair. He was, like, 3.

Speaker A [00:19:19]:

And I had my daughter, she was, like, 6 months old. I was nursing her at the time. And I was just, like, Just let him play with my hair while I nurse her. He was so crazy back then. And I just I was like, just I'll let him. And then he got this comb stuck in my hair So bad. And I still can't really lift my arms for very long, I don't know. Is this something with Aphantasia? Let me know.

Speaker A [00:19:42]:

If you can't lift your arms, tell me. I have a hard time keeping my hands up in the air, so if I'm, like, doing my hair in a ponytail, my arms get really weak really really really really fast. As I'm talking this I have my hands in the air like trying to see how long I can get my hands up. I like have I don't know what that is, but I guess it's just like super weak arms, but I've always had this issue where I have I like, I can't keep my hands up. So like painting a ceiling is the worst thing ever. Where was I going with that? Okay. Hair up. I have no clue.

Speaker A [00:20:24]:

Sorry, I don't know where there. Then you have to click. Uh-oh, I'm losing my microphone. And then I think you have to click. Explicit. Oh, I'm sorry, I need a drink of water. Let's go for a drink together! I meant to bring it oh shoot I meant to bring it over here, My water, and I just went and took a sip and then went back to my daughter's room without My water! Where was I going with the arm thing? I don't know, maybe I'll get back to that one day. One day I'll listen back to it and I'll be like, okay, next time I'll talk about that, I'm sure it wasn't important.

Speaker A [00:21:15]:

There's no way it could have been important. Could it have been important? Sorry guys, yes, I'm in the bathroom getting some water. Yes, I drink tap water from the bathroom. Do you think it's any different from the kitchen? No. Or is it? Tell me, is that weird? My kids are always like, Don't get it from the bathroom. But they're spoiled and wanna get it from the fridge because it's cold, I don't care. I actually kind of like room temperature water. I used to actually drink warm water.

Speaker A [00:21:43]:

Warm water with a little lemon, it's good. If you want to drink a lot of water really quickly, warm water is the way to go. Cold water, no dice, because you don't get cold. And then the bathroom floor is cold and you don't wanna go in there. You have to pee really bad because you drank so much water. No Bueno, Warm water it is. Okay. Can you guess how many things I've folded since starting this podcast? Have I talked about anything of importance? Okay, the thing I want to talk about, Rain Wilson's book, he was talking about starting a religion, and I was like all for it.

Speaker A [00:22:28]:

I was talking about that, but one of the things he talked about in his book, which I thought was really interesting, And I'd like to one day, like, actually go through some biblical stuff, because I'm really, really not religious

Speaker B [00:22:38]:

at all.

Speaker A [00:22:39]:

I didn't grow up with religion. I know like the bare minimum. I know that, you know, Jesus Died on a cross or something. Like I'm very, very I should, I'm not that dumb, but like, I did not I was not exposed to religion. I know as much as you would know from watching TV and stuff, right? So, yeah. But, in his book, he talks about how different Religion, and life in general, because a lot of like, the problems in this world are based on religion, and our differences in religion, and whatnot. How different it could be if the religions were told through the perspective of the female characters. Because everything is always told through the male perspective.

Speaker A [00:23:37]:

What about how Mary felt? Right? Or any other female character. I literally can't name any, because I'm not religious. There's other there has to be other female characters. If there isn't, Where are all these women? We are amazing. We are the people that grow human beings inside of us. Why are we not A bigger part of these books, these religions. We birth things. We are like mother, you know? Like that's And I had this whole thing the other day come to me.

Speaker A [00:24:19]:

About when I was a kid, we used to play chess. I have this flash to this, again, I get these flashes and then I'm like, I have to understand where, why this is coming into my head. And it was after reading this thing by Irene Wilson. Talking about how if the female perspective, if Like religions, we're told through the female perspective, how it would be a lot different, right? Because we all have a different perspective. Think about it. Say a couple's getting divorced and you ask both sides of the story, you're gonna get 2 different perspectives on the relationship. Think about it. Ask the kids that perspectives.

Speaker A [00:24:57]:

Tell me what they say. They're all gonna have different perspectives, right? So like enough hearing about the male perspective, let's hear from the women, Who are literally the nurturers, and a very important part of Our population, right? Okay, so what flashed into my head was this game that we had as kids. It a computer game, a chess game, and I remember playing it and being like, woah, the queen is the best one. Everyone knew that the queen is the best character. Your queen died, you were like, oh, you're out of luck because the queen is the best one. It can do everything. Queen's the only one who can do everything. Queens are amazing.

Speaker A [00:25:39]:

Queens have the power of everything. They're the best, right? We all know this about chess. And so in this game it was animated, and then the king was this fat guy, Who if he lost, he like his underpants. He like went down to his underpants if he was I think that was when the pawn killed him. Anyways, the king was portrayed as this like pathetic loser. And he was, because all he could do was move 1 one he had just this rigid movement, which is like rigid. If you think about it, it's like rigid mentality. The structured authoritative, but not thinking outside of this three Or 6 square radius around you, right? So I had this flash in my head to this the other day, after reading the Rain Wilson thing.

Speaker A [00:26:28]:

And I was like, man, it's so true. Like, why Why is the female perspective so like mute, when we are The creators of so many things and we're so I don't know, We're the ones who can make all the moves, and do all the things, and think outside of the box, right? So why is the male perspective More important. It's I don't know. Think about think about religion, just think about all everything through the female perspective. I dare you! I dare you! Triple dog dare you! And I will try to do the same And write about it on my blog. That's a goal for next week. I like giving myself projects, it's fun. The other thing that came to me about that, and I don't, I think men are amazing and I think that men can have a lot of female qualities.

Speaker A [00:27:38]:

I don't just mean gender, I mean, The female, what's the word I'm going for? You know it's funny, I just listened to my last podcast. I'll listen to it after I post it, which is terrible, but I do that sometimes. And then I'll like take it down if the sound is really bad. I try to listen to it before sometimes, but I don't always do. Anyways, So I was listening to it back and the whole last podcast. I was calling my tuning forks, singing forks. They're totally not called singing forks, they're called tuning forks. And I listened back and I was like, Robin, call them tuning forks, you know what they're called.

Speaker A [00:28:22]:

And at one point I do, but It's so funny when you're talking really quickly or you're talking without thinking, sometimes you say the wrong word. And I've done this in several podcasts. And I'm like, Why would I ever use that word instead of this word when I know that that's not the right word to use? And your brain just doesn't it just does it without even. I had no idea I was doing that. Like in my mind I was clearly saying, tuning forks, not singing forks. Because I have a singing bowl and tuning forks. Anyways, I don't know where I was going with that one. I was thinking about how, Oh, male and female like stereotypes.

Speaker A [00:29:05]:

Not stereotypes, what's it called? Oh my God, like the king and queen energy kind of thing. What's the word for that? Oh my God, I keep wanting to say stereotypes, but Men can have a female energy, and women can have a male energy. Like it can go both ways, it doesn't have to be. But what's been dominating In society is the male energy, which is rigid, and it needs to be looked at in a different way, Creative way, nurturing way, like female energy is very nurturing, and loving, and caring, and creative, and intuitive. There's room for that. I'm sorry guys, I just got so thirsty as I was drinking my water. It is literally the most beautiful thing. I'm drinking water, and I'm trying to pull it up, I can't like talk and drink at the same time.

Speaker A [00:30:12]:

As I'm drinking water, this like giant rainbow appears, it's like The glass through my window. The sun's shining behind me. Anyways, it was shining rainbow. It was very beautiful. So, where was I going with that? I had this flash in my mind too, so my daughter, again, she is type AAA plus, And she could be that and have male energy, but she has female. She is like, She's so driven, but she's also very nurturing and creative, and, Yeah, like I could see her ruling the world, honestly. But she has to change her clothes I think every once in a while. I don't know.

Speaker B [00:31:05]:

I don't know.

Speaker A [00:31:07]:

Anyways, so she came home with her report card. My son and my daughter, my 2 daughters and my son came home with a report card the other day. My 1 daughter is in SK, so her report card is basically just like Paragraph saying, she's hilarious and everybody loves her, and she is, she's hilarious and everybody loves her. No worries there. In SK all it is is like, are you super nice? Cool. Check, check. She's super nice, so I love that, and that's all I want for her currently. My daughter is so the the thing that my husband and I really try to Encourage our children is to, like, the most important thing on your report card is your learning skills.

Speaker A [00:31:57]:

Just like how you learn your drive, all that stuff, right? It's not about like acing every math test, it's about like putting the effort in, right? And so my daughter got all E's on her learning skills, which is excellent. And that's like, it's the highest you can get. And In years prior, any time you got that, you would get a special award. You got to stand in front of the school, and you got this Viking award. And last year she got it twice. And it's usually like 1 or 2 kids in the class have it, so it's not like everyone gets this award. It's hard to get 'E's' on all of them. So again, she came home with all 'E's.

Speaker A [00:32:35]:

My son though, who's 10 and struggles with A lot of attention stuff. He came home with all G's. Which it's E, or G, or S, Basically, and all g's is a win I think. I think that's excellent for him. But like I put different standards on him than I do on her, you know. Gosh, I should not save this stuff because he'll probably listen to this. He's very tech advanced. I need to put some sort of lock on this podcast episode, maybe I don't post this.

Speaker A [00:33:10]:

Anyways, he he is brilliant. There you go, Saved posts now. He's brilliant, but in a totally different way. Very, very, very, very creative. He actually might have more female energy. Nurturing though. He's very creative. Anyways, the thought I had with my daughter, when I was looking at my kid's report card was, I remember being in grade 4, and I remember, my daughter's not in grade 4, but I just remember, For some reason it flashed to this memory of being like, sitting there in class, and the teacher asked a question or something, and one of the girls in my class answered.

Speaker A [00:33:58]:

And a boy said something that was really dumb. And it was like this whole thing, and I remember thinking in my head, Why why do the men lead everything when the women are so much more intelligent? Why? And it was like known in school that the girls were more like the boys girls were smarter than the girls boys. Like, that was like in school, in elementary school, you were like, boys are dumb, girls are smart. And I don't believe that that's completely true, but When I grew up, the girls were just so much more intelligent. And so then you go through your entire life kind of like always being academically. And this is not always the case. Like I know a lot of Very, very intelligent men. So this is completely generalizing.

Speaker A [00:34:53]:

But this was my mind in grade 4, okay? I was thinking, These morons in my class, these boys who are just so dumb, and some of them ended up being really smart, that I knew going on. I just kept thinking like, why? Why is the Queen in chess the one that can do everything, But the king is the one who gets all the credit. The king is the one you have to kill for things to like, for you to win the game. Should be the Queen, don't you think? And I feel like it's kind of time for that Phase to start, like for us to go into more of a queen queen space. That's what I was getting at. I think that starts with me joining Rainn Wilson's religion. Although maybe I need to make it run by me, the Queen. I don't actually want to start a religion, but I do like talking to other people who have similar interests that I do, and that's kind of our religion.

Speaker A [00:35:58]:

Like, not a religion, but like talking about spiritual stuff, and our minds, and consciousness, and All that stuff, you know? Is that a religion in itself? I don't know. See, I talked about this on one of my episodes before about religion and how I think that it's the main purpose is to guide people and give principles of how to live life, but people interpret those principles in different ways. And because they're told by different storytellers. We all think that, you know, that we're our way is the right way, and really it's kind of all very similar. There's a lot of similar themes. Look at the golden rule in most religions, it's all the same. Same stuff, just said in a different way. I don't know about every religion.

Speaker A [00:36:56]:

And I love learning about religion, so But I don't study religion. I read a bit here and there, and I like learning about people's personal experiences with religion. Like I love hearing about Different religious ceremonies, especially religions that I have no idea about. Like I think It's super interesting to learn about. My husband coaches football and has, like, the majority of the kids on his team are Muslim. So he was he's been learning a lot about, You know, the prayer schedules and whatnot. And, he's been telling me about it, and we've been learning about that. And I find that really interesting, and I think it's awesome that he is respecting that, I mean, obviously, but I think it's a really cool learning experience for him, and I like that that he's getting exposed to that, so and through that I'm getting exposed to it, so it's nice.

Speaker A [00:38:07]:

What else do I have to say? Yeah, Imagine if religion was told through the women's perspective. Like so many things need to be told through the women's perspective. When I was in grade 4 too, so this is what's happening in grade Let's paint you a picture, okay? When I was in the 4th grade, Jean Chretien Was running for Prime Minister of Canada. This was, he was the Liberal Party leader. Kim Campbell Was the Conservative Party leader, and for a short period of time she was like an interim prime minister, so she was Somehow voted in, I think it was like 90 days of her being Prime Minister. She's literally the only Prime Minister in Canada that has ever been female. This was in 19, Oh, ninety. Oh, I don't know.

Speaker A [00:38:57]:

I was in grade 4. So I was in I don't know. How old were you in grade 4? 9?

Speaker B [00:39:04]:

Okay, I don't

Speaker A [00:39:05]:

know. So it was in the 90s somewhere. Basically, I'm not good at math. That shows that's not one of my high female characteristics. I'm not a good mathematician, that's okay. And honestly, females can be good at math, so I shouldn't stereotype that. So back in the day, this is what's happening in my little brain in grade 4. And I'm talking about this because I've recently realized it's really important to look, I've talked about this before, I think.

Speaker A [00:39:34]:

It's important to look at your past, to like realize What makes you think certain ways, and what makes you act certain ways, or whatever. And so This whole thought process is I remember it going back to this this period, grade 4, so I don't I can't think I don't know if I can go further back to that on feeling like women didn't have the proper power in this world. Grade 4 is definitely a point where it really really began for me. And I don't mean this as like a I hate men podcast, please, please, please don't think that because I love men. And I love, I think we all bring such valuable valuableness to the world. I just think that it's imbalanced and that needs to change. Our voices need to be heard more, and we all need to just kinda work together to use both of our energies to better impact the world. That's how I stand.

Speaker A [00:40:42]:

But okay, Grade 4, going back, Painting you a picture. Kim Campbell, she was she was like Prime Minister for 2 days, And then my parents took me. My dad was really into teaching us and trying to get us to learn about politics, because It was an election period and you know, he just really wanted us to be educated. I was in grade 4, I didn't give a crap. But then, I don't know, my dad just kept kinda drilling it into us to care, and so I started to care. And what we did at school was we did our own election in our classroom, where we got to vote on who we would vote for. And so the classroom also got involved in, like, Getting the kids excited about the election. I don't know if they do this much in school anymore, maybe they still do.

Speaker A [00:41:31]:

But my parents took us on some political rallies. Political rallies, is that what it is? Anyways, I actually got to meet Jean Chretien before he was Prime Minister. And he gave this really great speech About cookies. Oh my gosh. He said, I can't do accent, so I'm not even gonna try. And if I do, it's gonna sound Australian or something. You take the cookie from the cookie jar. Oh, they take the cookie from the cookie jar.

Speaker A [00:42:02]:

And we don't want to take the cookie from the cookie jar! Something about a cookie jar! That's what I remember, but I remember Feeling really inspired by him, and thinking to myself, I really want a female Prime Minister. I really do. But what she's saying isn't making me feel the same way that what he's saying. Because at this point, we were watching stuff, we were learning about stuff, And the only reason I wanted Kim Campbell to win was because I wanted a female in power. And that wasn't enough. I wanted a female in power that was like Someone that had the same belief system, not belief system, it doesn't matter what that, but like And then back then, I didn't really have a belief system, but the same kind of, I wanted the same chills to come from the speech, as I did from the cookies in cookie jar speech that John Krayt Chan gave me. So then anyways, I met John Kraytian, and it was very memorable. And, that was like as far as my political career, Career, political, whatever went, but, that's not true.

Speaker A [00:43:10]:

That's not true at all, actually. That's a story for another day though. I went back to school though, and I brought this knowledge of Y'all Kratjan being the better leader, and I basically took A class that was full of Kim Campbell supporters and flipped it, and our class ended up voting in Jean Chretien, who the Canada also voted in, so we were all in a great experience. But it's just, I think that at the time, I thought, well, this is great. There's a female woman who who was so close, Had it for just a bit. It wasn't the right fit, but at least she was there. And now it's 40 years later, not 40 years, 30 years later, and it hasn't happened again? That's not right. What's that about? And then I'm like, is it my fault? Should I be running for office? Should I? Would you vote for me? I don't want to.

Speaker A [00:44:20]:

I get really bored in meetings, although sometimes meetings are good because they have good snacks. That's something I miss about meetings, we used to always have really good snacks. But for the most part. I also like meetings where I got to like go and take other people out for lunch or something. I like, I like people a lot. I just don't like stuffy meetings. My husband's friend stopped by the other day, Dropped off some clothes for my daughter. He has a kid who's a couple years older, and he told me that he, recently started doing his meetings outside.

Speaker A [00:44:54]:

He just said, let's just meet by this park bench. We're just gonna talk about stuff. Why can't we do it And I was like, yes, that's so smart. Like, we need to get outside more. And I say that as I'm in my house, like in this stuffy room, not being outside at all. But, you do have to fold laundry every once in a while. So it is a way of, like it's just Heart of life, right? I guess I could hire someone to fold my laundry, but I don't make any money, so that's That's not happening. What else do we want to talk about today? My daughter.

Speaker A [00:45:38]:

I told you you better eyes. That was wild. That was wild! Her eyes get so big and my sons get really big too. What is it with pupils? Should I tell you my theory about Oh, this is something actually, here we go. Sorry, I knew I was gonna get somewhere. I was reading what was I reading? Nope, I wasn't reading something. I was watching a documentary. I watch so many documentaries like in the background, while I'm vlogging, or while I'm While I'm doing something else.

Speaker A [00:46:16]:

I usually have a documentary going, because I just love, again, I love learning. And I'm watching this documentary, and it was talking about how people, clairvoyant people. Oh, I'm gonna watch this. I wrote it in my phone. You still look at the sun, Either sunrise or sunset, or whatever. Basically, you stare at the sun, And the blotches from the sun give you intuitive knowledge. So basically, you're staring at the sun. I'm doing it right now.

Speaker A [00:46:57]:

Okay? You stare at the sun for, I don't know how long, it didn't say. And then close your eyes or look away or whatever, and then that Sprint will give you knowledge about the future. And I was like, holy crap, this is the experiment I've been doing on myself for Aphantasia. Like there's something in there's something in light in our, When you shine light into your eyes, I know that people are like, Oh, it's just an imprint or whatever. There's something in that imprint though. There's something there. Because what happens if you do the experiment, which I have on my experiments page on my website, affandexexperiments.com. If you do it, what happens is those blobs, they move around.

Speaker A [00:47:46]:

First of all, they change color, they'll come and go. They'll do all sorts of things when you actually like start talking and describing out loud what you see. The key is actually talking out loud and describing what you see though. If you just like, are thinking it in your mind, you're often gonna miss what you're actually seeing. Because it gets overlooked. You're like, if you say, okay, so right now I have my eyes closed And my eyelids look almost dark orange. And in the middle of my, like vision. I have this glowing White light and it's surrounded by orange.

Speaker A [00:48:29]:

And then there's a beam of light going down. It almost looks like a orange asparagus. Then surrounding it is this blue Light and now the asparagus has turned into more like an ice cream cone, it's pink. And now it's getting bigger, Like this is exactly, this is what's going on in my eyelids with my eyes closed. And that's just from looking at the sun for like 10 seconds. So if you have Aphantasia and you don't want to do a whole YouTube experiment where you shine the lights in your eyes, here's the experiment for you. Okay? Get your pen and paper out, or don't. I don't care.

Speaker A [00:49:10]:

Do what you've got. Just listen here. Stare at the sun. I don't care if scientists are telling you not to do it. Do it. Maybe you don't do it during the eclipse, and if you go blind, Legal disclaimer, I am not a doctor. I should not be giving you this advice. But, trust your own instincts.

Speaker A [00:49:31]:

Use your intuition here. See if you can do it. You can stare with your sunglasses if you're scared, but I just did it and I'm fine. Surrender the sunlight for like 20 seconds, and then look away, close your eyes, and just describe out loud what you see, What you see in your vision. Okay? So like what you see with your eyes closed. Just describe it, and do that activity a couple times. You don't have to make it a huge thing, but do that activity a couple times just so you know, just so your mind knows that it's different than just the light thing fading. And once you realize that it's a little bit different Then the The concept of visualizing might be less, what's it called? Like Farfetched, you know? If you think that the visual imprints in your eyelids could change randomly.

Speaker A [00:50:32]:

So I did this activity on myself and eventually I saw a full star that was like hard edges, and then it dissolved into nothing. But that star came, And it came from me talking and looking at the shapes that I saw through just staring at a flashlight. So it's the same thing with the sun. Just stare at the sun for a bit, Close your eyes and then describe out loud what you see. And if you feel like a weirdo describing it out loud, describe it in your head, but I'm telling you, The extra component is saying it out loud. And this is one of these things that I'll say a 100 times and you probably won't get it until you do it. And you're like, Oh, yeah. She said it like a 100 times, I don't know why I didn't listen.

Speaker A [00:51:06]:

It's because what we resist will persist. And then once you finally do it, you'll be Oh, yeah. That's why that kept coming up. It's because I have to say it out loud. So if you're hearing this, it's because you have to say it out loud. Okay. So I thought I was gonna save time by doing laundry and podcasts at the same time. I was like, I don't have a lot to talk about, so I'm gonna get this done really fast, and now it's been 51 minutes, and I'm only a quarter of the way done, so that usually takes me 20 minutes.

Speaker A [00:51:34]:

So I'm gonna stop this podcast, finish this, because I have to get my kids from school soon. So I hope you enjoy this podcast. I don't know if I'll post it. I said that in the last one, but I think I think I will post it. I feel like there's some stuff in here that was usable. I don't know. Anyways, I hope you have a great day. Feel free to reach out.

Speaker A [00:51:54]:

I think I said this on a podcast it was deleted, but I'm Dip day on Sunday at my house. So every Sunday, again I'm gonna talk for 5 more minutes here. Every Sunday at my house I'm doing dip. And I'm kind of running low on dip ideas, so I need dips for the next like at least 30 years. So if you have any good dip recipes, Please shoot me an email, realfolcreativegmail.com. You can reach out on my website too, there's a contact page there. It doesn't have to be just about dips, but I'm just telling you dips, I really like any cool dip ideas. I've done buffalo chicken, I've done a Bunch of like standard spinach, all that stuff.

Speaker A [00:52:32]:

But feel free to email me your special recipe that's a little bit different, you know? And yeah, I hope you had a great day and I hope you enjoyed this episode. And I should have said this at the beginning. You're like, man this episode seems really long. Did you know you could speed up episodes? Probably don't wanna do that when I'm on my speed talk. Times. But, yeah, you can speed it up, so you can listen to Podcast super fast, if you want to. It's true. Okay.

Speaker A [00:53:03]:

All right. Have a great day. Bye.