Unlocking Potential: Tarot Readings, Aphantasia, and Accessing Different Parts of the Brain

Unlocking Potential: Tarot Readings, Aphantasia, and Accessing Different Parts of the Brain

Robin [00:00:00]:

Hello, and welcome to another episode of Aphantasia Experiments. I've been a little quiet on here lately. I have been just in a weird vibe. I've been in no. I'm not sad. I'm just my energy is a bit low. And I someone who quite enjoys gabbing. I've been very quiet.

Robin [00:00:22]:

I've been in I've talked about the cycles before we go through, but I have been in this phase of just listening and absorbing for the last couple weeks. I and I've been struggling to actually speak things because I feel like I'm just trying to, like, learn and soak in the knowledge kind of thing. But my vibes, I feel like I need a an uplift. I feel like I'm a bit, just a bit low energy lately. So, if anyone has any advice that. You know, people talk about how you need to protect yourself before opening up spiritually, and I do wonder if if perhaps I'm too open and that that takes it takes a lot out of my energy. I do try to protect myself, but, if anyone has any suggestions on things to do, just, I guess, easy things you could do throughout your day to keep keep that energy safe and protected. That would be awesome.

Robin [00:01:27]:

I feel like it's something that we need to just share freely with people, and that's that's one of the kind of the points of this podcast is just I'm out here trying to learn as much as I can, and then I wanna share it. Just share as much as I can. And that's what I wanna do on this podcast. So I know a lot of this is just me rambling, but it's often I've taken in a lot of knowledge, and I retell that knowledge through telling stories about my my day. But sprinkled in there is stuff I've learned and wisdom I've gained, throughout throughout, you know, my everyday things. So, and I think that this is something that we should all kinda do with our lives at the end of the day, kinda go through what happened and what lessons you learned from that and why why did it happen? Is this a current theme is this a pattern in your life? Is this something that we need to look at? This is all kind of what we should do. But what happens with me is because I'm trying to soak in as much knowledge as I and, like, I'm I am I read every book about near death experiences, consciousness. Why can't I think of any other words? Anything new age, I read.

Robin [00:02:39]:

I read a lot of self help books. I listen to a lot of podcasts. I read about quantum physics. I watch a lot of NASA programming. Like, I'm I just really like learning. I love educating myself. It's one of my favorite things. I feel like if I'm not learning, I get really bored.

Robin [00:02:58]:

And I think with spirituality and just our souls in general. There's an infinite amount of learning, so it's really exciting and I never get bored. So as opposed to say graphic design, I was a graphic designer for many years. I kinda I'm just bored with that now. I don't wanna do it anymore unless it's, you know, to brand myself or or to do something I completely love, but to just, you know, design stuff just to I don't know. If it was to make someone happy, that's one thing, but it's really usually just you're designing something to make someone else money for something, you know, and it just doesn't I get bored. It's bored. I'm bored.

Robin [00:03:39]:

I don't wanna use InDesign anymore. I'm bored. You know? I do like playing around with when new things come out, so that's exciting to me. I feel like my dad was like that too when we were little. We used to always have the the the coolest new devices. Like, we were the 1st person 1st 1st people to have CD players in our house. I wonder if because I listen to music on headphones at an early age if that's what caused my aphantasia. Do you ever do that if you have aphantasia? I'm sure you have aphantasia if you're listening to this podcast, but do you ever just think like, what did I do a lot out of as a kid and did that cause my aphantasia? I do have a brother and a sister, so who can visualize.

Robin [00:04:23]:

So I always try to, like, compare myself. Okay. Was I doing anything different than my brother or sister at that age? Anyways, I don't know. I remember I was the worst at brushing my teeth. So if I went to the dentist, they would always get so mad at me and flossed my teeth so much that I would be bleeding everywhere. And I feel like they did extra fluoride on me. So if the fluoride thing is real and that fluoride has affected our pineal gland. Maybe it's because maybe that that affected me.

Robin [00:04:52]:

Maybe I had, like, double doses of fluoride treatment because I was lazy and didn't brush my teeth. Or maybe because I was lazy and didn't brush my teeth. I don't know. I don't know. I brush my teeth a lot now, though. And now I'm, like, wondering, should I not brush my teeth? I They the toothpaste company has definitely got me though because I am addicted to having minty fresh breath. So, even if it opened up my pineal gland, and I could visualize everything. Could I give up toothpaste for life? I feel like you just have to make a better you have to make an alternative like coconut oil and peppermint oil.

Robin [00:05:32]:

Right? Like, there's there's gotta be a better way if if you need to get rid of fluoride in our life. And I don't know if it's a true thing. I'm kinda just going on a ramble here, but let me back up a few steps because this is what my mom does. She tells stories. I love her. But sometimes she'll start a story kind of in the middle of the story, and I don't know the beginning. But I think she assumes that I know the beginning because she told my sister the beginning or someone else in the beginning, but I'm kinda getting in the middle. And then I get to the end, and I'm like, k.

Robin [00:06:02]:

Can we start at the beginning, though? Where did where where who is this person? You know? So the fluoride stuff. I was watching some I was doing some moon chart thing, and this whole thing came up about fluoride, and I watched it. I thought it was like a 2 minute video, but it was really, like, 2 hours. Maybe it was 20 minutes. I don't know. And they were talking about how, the fluoride in our water system has caused our pineal glands to to to calcify. To calcify? Yeah. And I'm not sure if I talked about this before.

Robin [00:06:38]:

I think I did. They knew to use it because Hitler was using it on people in the concentration camps to make them more docile. And so the government introduced it into our water system to make us less super powerful. I don't know. I don't know. This would make me think that anything before 1954 or whenever they started doing fluoride. We would have all been, like, psychic or whatever. Right? But I don't think I still don't think that we all would have those abilities, but I think that our right and left brain would work better together.

Robin [00:07:15]:

And I think that by working better together, we would have more resilience and we would be able to problem solve better and come to bigger conclusions about world issues and that kind of stuff. So I I'd have to, like, compare how people acted then versus now, and there's a lot of stuff you'd have to compare. Right? It's not just about the pineal gland. It's about, like, people's willpower and all that stuff. Right? There's a lot of different things that you'd have to look at to see if it actually what's true or not, but it's an interesting thing to look at. And so I have been thinking about a lot lately, this fluoride thing. Thinking about okay. What else could the government be, like, telling us is good, but it's really bad? Or telling us is bad, but it's really good.

Robin [00:08:06]:

I watched this whole documentary on marijuana the other day and and how CBD I think it was CBD, was so helpful for these cancer patients for children. And and instead, you're pumping these kids with all these other drugs that are not beneficial, but but they they they say the negative side effects of marijuana instead of all the positive stuff. Like, all the studies that are done on it are or to just basically to say that it's bad. There's not a lot of studies out there saying how beneficial it is. Anyways, this documentary is really interesting. But what I'm saying is how many things out there are the government saying, okay. This this is bad for you. Do this, but it's actually good for you.

Robin [00:08:49]:

Do you know what I mean? Like, toothpaste. The opposite there. Like, is your face really bad for us? Are we are we just, like, making us our brains function less every time we brush our teeth and drink fluoride infused water. Okay. So this morning, I wake up, and I had a I got a message from someone, a text, asking about the fluoride stuff and what my thoughts were on it, which is funny because I woke up thinking about fluoride this morning. So just funny. It's funny how things, like, happen like that. What I was thinking about this morning was I so I was just randomly thinking about the fluoride because it's been on my mind.

Robin [00:09:33]:

And then I got a flash, and this is how my kind of memories were this is how I make connections. Like, these flashes. They're not visual. They're just like flashes to, like, certain things that have happened in my life. And then every time I get one of these flashes, I'm like, it means something I need to investigate. I never let a flash go by. I'm like, what's this flash? So the flash was an episode of, I believe, Jen Weigel's podcast, which I really like. I really like all of her books.

Robin [00:10:00]:

She's she she's such an a phenomenal storyteller. Definitely check out our podcast and her books if you haven't already. So I believe the podcast I've listened to so many podcasts. So if I'm wrong here, I'm sorry, but it I believe it was Jen Weigel, and she was talking to Pat Luongo who is the psychic medium who, I believe she's from Long Island, and she's the one who taught, Theresa Caputo how to use her gifts. She's helped a lot of other people too. Anyways, I believe on the podcast. And if it's not this podcast, it was on a different podcast. They were talking about how there's so many different psychics from Long Island and they were saying, what's in the water here? There must be something in the water.

Robin [00:10:53]:

And that phrase was shot into my mind this morning. Like, I'm sitting there thinking, what's with the water in Long Island? So then I'm sitting there doing research in bed before before I check this message from this person that says, well, how do you feel about the forehead? Meanwhile, I'm in the middle of researching. So funny. I have this flash in my head, and then I start doing research. Apparently, every state in the US has fluoride in their water system, but different areas have different percentages. In Long Island is one of the only places that has no fluoride in their water system. Sorry. I had to take a sip of water, but I was assuming that your jaw was dropping to the floor when I said that.

Robin [00:11:48]:

I feel like that is something that needs to be investigated more. I have no idea how to investigate it. I feel like the fluoride stuff is probably fairly, secretive and hush-hush if it's if the government is actually doing something. So when I when I saw this where it said that there's different percentages of fluoride in water systems all throughout the states. I'm in Canada, by the way, I'm assuming it's the same thing in Canada. I know that we have fluoride in our water system. I don't know if it's the same all all across the country. I don't know if it's, you know, Ontario has 20%.

Robin [00:12:26]:

Winnipeg has 10. I have no idea how it works. But if it was proven that fluoride is good for us and we should use it, you know, and it should be in our water system, blah blah blah. Should there not be like a regulated amount that is used across the board? And if not, wouldn't you think that what they're doing is kinda like AB testing? Like, hey. We're gonna sprinkle some fluoride in here, see how these people behave. Sprinkle them over here, you know, see how they they behave. Hey. What's their work ethic like? You know what I mean? Like, they wanna see how it's affecting the general population.

Robin [00:13:05]:

That's the thought I had anyways. I don't know. I'm just these are thoughts. These are thoughts. They're not proven. They're not you know, I don't know how real that is, but it makes you think. Right? Like, Long Island is the only place with that fluoride in the water. I'm sure there's other places, but I I was, like, looking up.

Robin [00:13:24]:

I was like, when did Long Island start getting fluoride put into their water system, and it was like, Long Island prides himself against the fluoride of the water. Like, How cool is that? That's that's, that's a fact right there. Anyway, so that I wanna talk about that. What else do I wanna talk about today? Feeling low. I was talking about how I feel low. I I think I started talking about my son and how he has ADHD. So he has ADHD, and I've been using these tuning forks on him. He has ADHD and anxiety, and he, has been really, really struggling at night to sleep.

Robin [00:14:04]:

Really, really, really struggling. He's so scared to close his eyes. He's just I don't know. We think maybe it's, like, a past life thing because there's, like he's 10, lived in our house the whole time. He's always just been, like, so anxious, and, it doesn't come from any sort of, like, trauma at home. Right? I know that trauma can come in so many ways. Right? Like, you can detraumatized by your stuffed animal being thrown out or something, but I don't see anything in his life being overly traumatic is what I'm saying. And his anxiety is just through the roof.

Robin [00:14:41]:

Like, scared to close his eyes, worried that someone's gonna hurt him. Like, where does that come from other than, hey. Maybe something happened in a past life. Anyway, so at nighttime, he's been struggling, and I've been letting him go to my room, and, he usually falls asleep in in our bedroom. And and then we'll wake him up and say, go back to your room, you know, when we're going to bed. But sometimes, she'll say, can you do a meditation on me? So I'll go up there, and I'll I will kind of walk him through a little guided meditation, but I also use my singing forks on him. And he told me that the singing forks, he was like, this is the best feeling in the world. I wish that I could have this on me all day.

Robin [00:15:26]:

And I think that that's something like so what I do with my singing forks is I activate them by just hitting it against a rubber hammer thingy, whatever it's called, a mallet. I activated it. It starts vibrating. Mine have like a little, plastic thing at the end so you could put it directly on your skin and it would still vibrate. But what I usually do is I get one of my crystal's out, so I usually use my rose quartz. It's a it's a triangle prism, and I usually press press it kind of into my skin. And then I put the the vibration of the end of the tuning fork on and pressing it into my skin. The crystal just kinda amplify amplifies the vibration.

Robin [00:16:19]:

So I do this to my son at night, and I do it on various points, but the one point that he was like, oh, I wish you could stay here forever. I love this so much. Was the back of his knee. So it's interesting. So if you're playing around with tuning forks at all, you wanna try it on your kids, especially kids who have, like, neurodiverse mine's there's something in in it where you use vibration with the tuning forks, and you put it on different parts of their body, it just helps them feel regulated and just in tune with their own vibration. So what happens is that it's vibrating on you and you're kind of your heart rate and your your own vibe is trying to, like, match that. And there's there's something about the focus and the vibration and everything. It's, it affects me in profound ways, and I know my son feels the same way.

Robin [00:17:10]:

And when I'm doing Reiki on him, I often feel, like, electrical impulses in his body. I haven't done Reiki on anyone else with ADHD, so I don't know, or epilepsy, so I don't know what it's like to do it on other people. But for him, I can feel this electricity in his body. And when I do the tuning forks on him, I can feel that kind of fade away and feel more like the impulses in his body are more, purposeful, if that makes sense. Like, it feels like they're still there, but they're going in in a direction that makes sense. They're not, like, super scattered. I hope that makes sense. I'm just learning how to, like, describe how it feels to feel people's energy and stuff.

Robin [00:17:57]:

It's it's a it's a it's a really cool and really interesting. And I highly recommend if you're, you know, a skeptic or whatever, if you are interested in energy work at all, just learning about it and and trying it on someone, you know. I have been attuned by a Reiki master, but I think even before I I was I was still able to sense people's energies and and and feel things. I think that I have I think I understand it more now and and, yeah. But there's definitely something in it. So I was doing this Reiki thing on my son, and he was saying sorry. Sorry. I was doing the tuning forks on my son.

Robin [00:18:46]:

He was like, oh, I wish you could stay here forever. And he was like, you know what would be really cool? If you had, like, a vest in it vibrated throughout the day or whatever. And I was like, that would be really cool. So if you're listening to this and you're like, oh, I wanna make I wanna invent stuff. I invent stuff every 30 minutes. So if you want ideas and you're an engineer to make stuff, let me know. We can partner. So this idea, copyright right now, is you basically you would wear something that would vibrate on different basically, chakra points or acupuncture points.

Robin [00:19:23]:

You could have them vibrating all at the same time. You could just, you know, do it, randomly. My son really likes the randomness of it. It's like and I do it intuitively, so I feel like the best would just have to be random. And then I was like, or you could have, like, a blanket. I'm thinking, like, my daughter has this mermaid blanket. It's like a sleeping bag almost. Do you have, like, a sleeping bag type blanket that you go in and on the front side of it has a bunch of different vibrating pockets, and it's probably weighted.

Robin [00:19:58]:

And you turn it on and it vibrates, and that just helps you feel in your body. I think that it would be really helpful. You know, there was a huge craze on craze for a few years, and maybe it's still something. But when the weighted blankets first came out, everybody wanted 1, and they were so expensive. And and, they helped a lot of people, and I think that they're super beneficial. My son, it didn't help him very much, but I think the vibration would. So anyone wanna develop that with me, give me a call or email me and, let me know. I think that, maybe it exists already.

Robin [00:20:34]:

And if it does, let me know that too because I will get it as a gift for someone for for Christmas. I've also thought about because at at my old work, I used to every time my my old boss used to come in, she would travel a lot. So I would often be alone, and I could getting a lot of work done, and I felt I felt good in those days. But when she was in the office, I my body would hurt. Like, I would just feel really, really drained and tired. I would get really sick around her, and I would feel this, like, coldness as she walked by. I, I thought when I was working there that I needed some sort of vest like, I should buy a vest of some sort to protect myself because I felt so, like, like, invaded. You know? Like, I could feel that.

Robin [00:21:36]:

So I don't know. Maybe there's something in there. Vests for people to protect them for from from bad energy. I don't know. I feel like it it's probably has to be more mental, but I know a lot of people have talked about how to to stop negative energy from affecting them. They envision, like, a lead vest or something or They surround themselves with white light. They this is this is actually from Jen Weigel and Pat Lowongo. They're Pat Lowongo actually has you can Google her, YouTube her.

Robin [00:22:10]:

She has a meditation called the white white light meditation. It's a really great meditation, but it's a lot about visualizing this white light kind of protecting you, and and she told Teresa Caputo about this. She uses this meditation every before she does readings and stuff. I think that's that's a fact. Don't quote me on it. You can quote me on it, but it might still not be a fact. But for me and for you, if you have an Asian, you're listening to this, I can't visualize. So these protection and things are hard.

Robin [00:22:42]:

I usually say, like, yeah. Like, I call in my my guides and my highest power in my angels, and I'd say, like, can you protect my energy? And, whatever. I I I make it up as I go. And, I don't know if that just I need need to be more active with that. I need to do it more often. I do need to put a tattoo on my hand saying saran ground and shield. So I have that, like, constant thought in my mind, you know, because I do feel like I try to be open and then I I just get so down. I get so tired after.

Robin [00:23:24]:

So I do feel like I need to do a better job protecting myself. And, yeah. If you wanna develop a vest or a blanket that vibrates, I have a lot of actually ideas for kids with neuro neuro kids who are neurodiverse, I think that a lot of them are so misunderstood, and I have a lot of thoughts about that, but I won't get into that today. But if you're like, hey. I wanna start a company where I make products for people who or a little bit different than the norm. I got lots of ideas. Hit me up. Sorry.

Robin [00:24:08]:

I have a driest throat. Also hit me up if you have any cures for dried dry lips. My son's lips are so dry. And I have, like, Chapstick and then I put Vaseline over it and then yeah, I would say maybe coconut oil, and he's like, I hate coconut oil. Then I got him the medicated and it feels medicated, so it burns. And now, yeah. His lips are just so dry. But then he puts the Vaseline on rubs them off right away.

Robin [00:24:41]:

I'm like, just leave it on, man. It doesn't look it shiny. And I think the rubbing off makes it worse. Anyways, you don't care, but maybe you do, and maybe you have some great recipe. Feel free to email me. Rofocreative@gmail.com. Okay. I'm gonna try to pull a couple cards here.

Robin [00:24:56]:

I feel like I've been rambling long enough. I do tarot a bit differently than most people. I don't know. Honestly, people everyone always says it differently. I have definitely not liked people on TikTok on TikTok. Also, I was just burping there. This is like the other new thing on TikTok is that people are like, oh, confirmation. I'm burping.

Robin [00:25:23]:

And I, I'm trying to because I don't think it's not true. I think it is true, and now I'm trying to, my friend actually told me she thinks that I cough or clear my throat whenever I'm having confirmation because I do that a lot. But I also, like, will get sneezes or random burp, and I'm trying to pay more attention to that. But I also don't wanna be like, confirmation. Some some stuff feels a little, like, over exaggerated. Yeah. And with the tarot on the on the TikTok, people are shuffling their carved like cray cray and, flying everywhere. I don't do that.

Robin [00:26:08]:

I let them out, and I feel energetically which ones I'm pulled towards. And I also like I'm laying at multiple decks right now. I feel like, what are you doing, Robin? What's that noise? Also, I'm sorry. I am recording off my phone. I'm not even using my headphones because I've tried to record 2 podcast episodes and both of them, the sound qualities were were bad. 1, probably because I was in the shower. Full disclosure, usually the sound quality isn't great in the shower, but I almost posted it because there's some good stuff in there. I'll probably make it into some blog posts.

Robin [00:26:41]:

And the other one I did yesterday in bed, and I don't know. I just hit the mic a few times. Okay. So we're gonna pull a couple cars, and I'm gonna just like who is this for? It's for anyone who's still listening to this podcast. You know? If you made it as far, I appreciate you. And, if you don't feel like listening to some tarot stuff, feel free to leave now. But, check out my website, experiments .com. It's fairly new in the last couple of weeks.

Robin [00:27:13]:

I'm trying to post as much vlogs as I can. Just like any random stuff I learn, I post about, I'm gonna start doing more book recommendations, podcast recommendations, documentary recommendations, just like any knowledge that I consume that I think is worthwhile for other people to consume, I'm gonna throw up there. And I also have a page on there with for experiments. I'm gonna add more and more to that. That was like the purpose of this podcast was to do experiments, on myself and other people who have aphantasia or people who are just trying to develop their own kind of spiritual gifts. I feel like The more we experiment and get to know our own minds, the better equipped we will be to move forward in our souls, you know, whatever. Okay. Here I go.

Robin [00:28:09]:

Boop boop. That's one of my songs too. It comes in my head all the time and it has since I was, like, ten. Still haven't placed it. Like, I know what song it is. But okay. We're starting off with material harvest. So we've all been working really hard.

Robin [00:28:31]:

Oh my gosh. This is hilarious. So I have 2 decks. I have my original tarot deck, which is the rider die rider, wait. Sorry. Ride or die. Rider wait, tarot, which is, like, just the original normal tarot. And then I have a psychic tarot.

Robin [00:28:50]:

It's oracle card, and then I have these affirmations, which I'm just gonna pull just to give you some hope and guidance, whatever. So the I pulled 1 from the psychic tarot, and it's the 7 of I don't know. The red 7. It doesn't matter. Oh, I'm sorry. It's 9. I'm lying. It's a 9.

Robin [00:29:11]:

It looks like 7. I'm I'm doing this in candlelight. It really doesn't matter what number it is. It's 9 material harvest, and it's this guy. He's kinda got a mullet, and he is planting seeds. And this has been the thing that I've been saying for the last little while for myself. And if I'm doing a reading for myself, usually that's because it my what I'm going through is mirroring what a lot of other people in in society are going through. Right? I think that that happens so often when you're doing tarot, you end up almost reading for yourself, but that that thing that you're going through will mirror what the person you're reading for is going through or or or the collective consciousness is going through a very something very similar.

Robin [00:29:59]:

So material harvest is the first one, and this is just theme has been coming up a lot for me lately. It's like I'm planting all these seeds. I'm just waiting for them to grow, and it's a scary time because I'm like, is it gonna get really watered. Is there gonna be enough sunlight? I'm not sure. It's kinda based on the environment and the love and care and nurture nurturing support that I put in. Anyways, this card is all about harvesting and and kinda waiting, and it's coming. It's coming. And then the card I got for my tarot pull was the 8 of pentacles, and it's it's it's like a very similar card.

Robin [00:30:43]:

They both have 2 dudes on it. Both have a vest on. Why? Well, no. This guy has a vest. This guy doesn't. Again, it's candlelit. It's hard to see. It doesn't matter what worrying, but this guy's just working hard.

Robin [00:30:54]:

He's he's putting these pentacles up on this this thing. He's just working he's working hard, and he's trying to, like, make something for his life. In the background, there's, like, these beautiful mansions and stuff, which to me implies, okay, he's working towards, like, wanting this freed on wanting this this this life, and he's just head down focused on this and basically harvesting. It's the same thing. So I think that a lot of people are are in this zone of life. We're just working, working, working or planting the seeds to get somewhere else in life. And there's always this, like, envision in the background of the way you want it to be. But right now, you're just working hard to get to that pouring you wanna get to that point.

Robin [00:31:40]:

Okay. So what else do we got here? I just it's I only pulled 2 cards to begin in that, those 2 cards literally mean almost the same thing. So it's just funny. 2 different decks. Sorry. I'm just pulling a couple more cards here, guys. I should probably turn the light on. It's so dark.

Robin [00:32:25]:

Or like bring a candle. Oh my gosh. That's so smart. Bring a candle closer to where I am. Oh, man. I should be a rocket scientist. I should be a rocket scientist. Okay.

Robin [00:32:41]:

So we got these 2 cards that are about working hard, about putting planting your seeds, you know, working towards something, a goal. And then the next card we have is the rejoice and celebration, which is basically just saying, like, have some fun, get together with people, celebrate, enjoy people again, have some drinks, have some fun. Life is not all about putting your head down and getting the work done. You need to stop weekends. They're they're actually because we physically and mentally need breaks. We cannot work 247. We need to take breaks, and we need to have fun, and we need to find joy. And if you don't ever do that, you know, you're You're gonna get so stagnant and and stale and you're gonna go through it your entire life without really living.

Robin [00:33:41]:

Right? So don't forget to rejoice in celebration. Get together with people you haven't seen in a while. Collaborate with people and celebrate every win and every loss or recognize every loss. You know? Don't just, like, pretend they don't exist, but celebrate the moments in life because Every moment is we're celebrating. Right? But really, don't don't take your weekends for granted and just just clean all weekend. Get together with a friend or go out with your significant other or take your kids to the movies. Do something that is not work related. Because if you work all week and you come home and you work all weekend on your house or whatever, you're not really ever you don't you're not allowing any time for to let joy in and, you gotta do that.

Robin [00:34:39]:

So, maybe that's a sign for me. I should do more fun stuff. Honestly, like, I know I'm taking a sabbatical right now. I haven't been working I've been working on my podcast and my my website. I don't I'm only doing freelance here and there, but I still don't feel like I carve out time to to do fun stuff. I carve out time to meditate and pray and do spiritual stuff. But to actually, like, go out and have a good time, I don't really carve out that time. So I think it's important for everyone to do that.

Robin [00:35:16]:

And I'm not just talking to you, I'm talking to myself too. So the next, we have the lover's hard. Oh, scandalous. So perhaps you perhaps you've been head down working and working and working and you haven't had any time for your love life. Well, but perhaps you need to get out there and celebrate and bring some love in. You know how you meet people? I'm sorry. I was trying to I was trying to say, do you know how you meet people? And I was gonna just say, you leave the house. And then I had this burp in my chest that was so long that I had to wait.

Robin [00:36:01]:

And then I was like, I was gonna say, oh, confirmation, but I didn't wanna be cheesy. But it's true. Like, if you if you wanna get out of your head, if you wanna, like, have some fun, if you wanna meet new people, if you're single and you wanna meet someone, you gotta get out of your house a bit more. You just do. You gotta get out and you gotta have some fun and celebrate. Like, go find joy and that's where the love is gonna be. But in my case, I am in love. I already have a partner.

Robin [00:36:34]:

I'm very much in love. So if I'm reading this for myself see, if you pull the lovers card, you're like, oh, does that mean that I'm gonna fall in love with some new dude? No. This this to me is like I've been working hard. My husband's been working hard. We've been head down. On the weekends, we usually don't do much. We need to go have some fun that's gonna connect us on a deeper level and and bring love and light to our relationship. And it does.

Robin [00:36:59]:

And, I've I've gotten this a similar pulse to this before and usually it's like, okay. It's time for a date night. Right? So, you need to get out of the mundane sometimes and, like, enjoy life a little bit. I think this is kind of where this is going and I think the the more that you live in that joy and enjoy enjoy life, so on the weekends or after work or whenever you can fill fit in some spark of joy, dance party, whatever it is. Those moments of joy fuel fuel your existence and, like, increase your probability of manifesting and being abundant and all those stuff because the more we live in a state of high vibration and joy, the better, you know, we're gonna receive good things in life. Right? Because the vibes in our life kinda match us. So if we're if we're happy go lucky. We're gonna meet people who are happy go lucky.

Robin [00:38:02]:

And if we're really lucky, we're gonna need people who are lucky and bring those kind of people in. For me, I I often bring in dark people that I need to help transmute their their darkness into lightness. And that is, a topic for another day, honestly. But it's funny that this the card the next card that I pulled was the light card, and I think it all goes together. Work hard. Absolutely. You need to plant those seeds. You need to do work, but you need to also take breaks.

Robin [00:38:35]:

Enjoy life, connect, celebrate every great moment, celebrate birthdays, go out for anniversaries, go out for Halloween and dress up, do something fun, and say nice things to people. Bring that the light energy that is you everywhere you go and spread spread that love. And that is, like, basically the purpose of life is to spread your love and light all around. At least it is for me, I think. I think I think sometimes I take that for granted. I I I hermit a bit too much. Maybe I should pull 1 more card. But I also think that we have cycles of of certain periods of our life we need to hermit down.

Robin [00:39:24]:

Right now I'm in a hermit period, but this is telling me I need to rejoice in celebration. So I'm gonna go out and have some fun this weekend. What should I do, guys? Tell me what's a good what's a good thing to do on a date? Balance. See? Balance. My last card with balance. I think that says a lot. I think if you look at life as a whole, is it balanced? For me, currently, it's not balanced. I mean, I had to quit my job because I was completely burnt out.

Robin [00:40:02]:

But before that, the balance was so, like, my work to joy ratio was probably like 99 to 1. I would say it's probably like 80 20 now. It's getting better. I'm still working on it. I think that the the problem for me and and I wanna be honest about this too because I think that a lot of people out there can give advice to be like, oh, you should quit everything and follow your heart and whatever. Manifest your dreams, put your faith into the universe, and I do believe in all that stuff, but I think it's important to know how scary it is to be in the waiting period of, okay, I'm following my heart. I'm following my passions. Is this gonna help pay my mortgage in any way, or is it is it just a fun side project? And even if it is just a fun side project, it's worth it to me.

Robin [00:41:13]:

But, I would love for this this side side random thing that I'm doing, this podcast and my website. My my goal is for it to connect me to other people, other like minded people, and to somehow work in a field that is aligned with all of these kind of passions and and whatnot. I don't know what that looks like, but I believe that it's possible if I keep planting those seeds and whatnot. So, I really think that there's something in, I'm trying to learn if you're, like, still here and you're like, what? I just said, like, so many times. Sorry. I'm sorry. My throat is so dry right now. Again, it's it's like the heater's just turned on in Ontario.

Robin [00:42:10]:

So it's like getting pretty chilly out here. And that's the other thing. I might not be grounded because I know I might be low vibe because I'm not as grounded as I should be. I was doing this whole grounding for 30 days. I felt so great, and I have the challenge down on my website. A pre questionnaire and a post questionnaire, I need to still reach out to people who are involved at the beginning, but if you wanna do a 30 day grounding challenge, you can do a pre questionnaire there and a post questionnaire there. 30 days of just getting your feet on the ground and then just talk about how you feel after. That's one of my experiments, but I'm gonna post different experiments on my website.

Robin [00:42:53]:

Where was I going with this? I feel like part of my purpose, and I think that we all have the lean different purposes, but, part of one of the things that I'm really interested in is learning about different meditation techniques and how sound and using our voices in in different sense that it senses while we meditate affects us in different ways, and we can access different parts of our brain and stuff. Doing those kind of experiments on myself and and researching and whatnot. And I think that eventually, I'm gonna get somewhere. I'm gonna get somewhere, and I'm gonna be able to figure out out to get people to visualize. And if not, I'm just gonna be able to figure out a way of accessing our minds you know, in a Joe Dispenza kind of way. I don't know who Joe Dispenza is I would highly recommend doing one of his meditations because they're kind of game changing, and I feel like there's other ways to get there, and that's kind of one of the things I'm really interested in. So where am I going with this? I don't know. If you want a tarot reading, I offer them on my website.

Robin [00:44:10]:

Or if you want to send me an email and to say, hey, Robin. I really want you to try this this experiment. Go for it. I would love to, you know, I'd love to hear from you. Anything any any email you wanna email me about about aphantasia, about meditation, about near death experiences? Oh, also. Okay. I'm gonna throw this out here because, you know, the transcript is Googleable. So if I say anything in my in this podcast, there's not much in this podcast left.

Robin [00:44:42]:

So if you're bored, you can leave. But if you've had a near death experience near death experience, if you're interested in near death experiences, if you've had a near death experience, specifically, if you have aphantasia, I wanna hear from you. Please, please, please, please, please. This is something that I'm super interested in because I've done so much research on near death experiences. And feel free to email me if you if you don't have aphantasia too, just if you've had one. I wanna know if you've had a near death experience and you have aphantasia, if your experience was visual, if you had, you you know, if you had a life review. If you had any sort of experience, I just I wanna know. I wanna know all about it.

Robin [00:45:24]:

So please email me. I'd love to do a whole podcast episode about that. Honestly, I I think about writing a book about that too. I just I I don't know how to get in contact with people who have have, had that experience. So I'm throwing this out into the universe. If you've ever had a near death experience Or if you have aphantasia and you've had any sort of shared experience, so I've had shared dream experiences before, shared death experience, I feel like that's something that people don't talk about as much. If you've ever had those kind of experiences, just email me. I'm trying to keep keep research stuff together, and, one day it'll be a book or something.

Robin [00:46:06]:

I think and and I think that this I'm kinda compiling this information. I don't know. It'll help someone someday in the future. So So, reach out. Rofolcreative@gmail.com and check out my website, Fantasia experiments.com. And, let me know what you think and if there's anything specific that you want me to blog about. It's not all about. There's a lot of just, like, spiritual crap up there.

Robin [00:46:33]:

And by crap, I mean, just like fun stuff, you know, like fun stuff that's interesting, like stuff about spirit animals. And by spirit animals, I don't wanna sound offensive. I mean, how animals can teach us spiritual lessons, which is very valuable because animals and our environment teach us lessons constantly if we're just if we pay attention to it, it's like we're we have this giant school just sitting here, you know, available to us. So there's that. Okay. I'm gonna be going now. I, I only meant to talk for a couple minutes, and I feel it's been, oh, 47 minutes. Oh, not bad, Robin.

Robin [00:47:12]:

Not bad. Okay. I hope everyone has a super fantastic day. I actually feel like my vibe feels a bit better after doing this. So maybe podcasting is a vibe lifter for me. Interesting. Interesting. Interesting.

Robin [00:47:25]:

I also wanna say to anyone out there, I'm still talking. So please, if you if you're still listening, man, you're you're a saint. If you've ever thought about starting a podcast, It's easy and it's fun. You should do it. If you're, like, waiting for the sign, hey. Should I start a podcast? Even if it's about spirituality and you're trying to take over my number 1 spot number 1. That's right. I'm number 1 in in spirituality because nobody else is talking about it.

Robin [00:47:56]:

I support you, and I think your voice needs to be heard. So I just wanted to say that. Have a wonderful and amazing week, and hopefully, I will be better vibe next week, and I can put out some better stuff. I hope you have a wonderful amazing day.